March 2015 Assignment: Action, Sports.

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redBull Ice challenge.jpg
March 2015 Assignment: Sports, Action photography

Now is the time to get off the couch or your computer chair. Get out there and shoot some action. There must be some kind of sport or fast moving events in your community.

So, to your camera... Ready... GO!

Assignments are designed to help you grow your photography skills and creativity, and have fun doing so. Assignments are to make all of us photographers think outside the box also.

The Rules
  1. Any photo submitted for a monthly assignment must be taken during the month specified in the assignment thread and taken by you! Because not all EXIFdata can be verified, we will use the honor system.
  2. Photos must be posted to the thread in order to be considered for the challenge. Links to photos will not be considered an entry.
  3. Only three photo entries per member, for each assignment, unless otherwise indicated.
  4. Assignments will be judged solely by the panel. Individual voting via post "likes" will be incorporated into the final selection of the winning photo.
  5. Judging criteria is based on the Twelve Elements of a Merit Image.
  6. The panel will select 5 shots to be displayed in the MonthlyAssignment forum and homepage of the site.
There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Monthtly Assignment, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the assignment. Edited/straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the assignment subject.
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Happily retired
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I've seen a few comments in the announcement thread. Just a reminder that it is HERE that you should post your entries.

Enjoy this Assignment.

Moab Man

Senior Member
I call this one "Frustration"

This young lady is a very skilled wrestler, and wrestles with the boys since there simply isn't enough female wrestlers to have a ladies league. Unfortunately for this skilled wrestler, the reality of female versus male just took its toll. In her first two matches I couldn't tell if she was better than her opponents or not, she simply got out muscled and thrown around like a rag doll. Her final match was against a weaker male and she was better than her opponent in every way. And as a female athlete, she is stronger/tougher than most ladies of her size. Initially she could almost match him for strength, but the reality of male strength after puberty took its toll. Through the first third/half of the match she schooled him technically as a wrestler and had strength, but over time she just couldn't keep up physically and eventually lost. The look on her face was painful for those of us watching, she was the better technical wrestler and she knew it.

She has my respect as an athlete.

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Senior Member
Re: March 2015 Assignment: Action, Sports.

He's Out!


  • DSC_0737.jpg
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Senior Member
My other half got some new Callaway Irons this year, our course isn't open yet.......

Iron Man.jpg
Entry #1 "Iron"


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Here is my first submission. Fuji X-10 it is so it might be disqualified... But it's a sport shot.

Serge en ski.jpg


Senior Member
doesnt the exif data stay if you crop , the second one i cropped some distractions out

i look at my exif data to see what i may of done wrong , in the first image i cant believe i shot at f5.6 i could of easily went to f11 by raising the iso , live and learn lol


Happily retired
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Super Mod
doesnt the exif data stay if you crop , the second one i cropped some distractions out

i look at my exif data to see what i may of done wrong , in the first image i cant believe i shot at f5.6 i could of easily went to f11 by raising the iso , live and learn lol
Hi, you should edit your post and have only one picture per post. Otherwise, there is no way we could judge this thread.
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