What is appropriate watermarking?


Senior Member
So, I like to watermark the images I upload, but I'm curious on if I'm doing it right. I don't want the watermark to take away from the image, yet I know for a fact mine does. I'm just not sure on how to watermark or what is considered appropriate watermarking.

My other question regarding watermarking is, when should I NOT use watermarking?


Here is an example: BC (1 of 1)-46.jpg

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Other than the size, and opacity of your watermark, it's not bad. :D

Try different software... LR produces, and lets you create/modify tasteful watermarks...


Senior Member
Watermarking is not that big a deal on this site because all of our images cannot be right clicked upon and saved. Of course that does not prevent them from being PrtScr'd and pasted into a program like PS, but doing that limits the size of the image considerably.

In my opinion at least, the watermark in your image is very intrusive and distracting. Keep in mind that our eyes are naturally drawn to things in the image which seem like they do not belong there. Any type of text will immediately get your attention. And to have a large block of the image lightened and your name across it really kind of ruins the image. If I sign my images, which is not all the time, I use a very small watermark which is in an unobtrusive place and it never touches the main subject (a person in portraiture). The standard watermark I add is white but I reduce its opacity to about 50%or less, depending on the image.

Others may have different opinions, but this is my 2¢ worth
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Senior Member
What software do you use and why do you think you need to watermark your images here on a forum that requires you to down size your image to the point that stealing them is pointless? I read this and seems a little snotty. Sorry, it's not meant to.


Senior Member
I'll start messing around with a different type of watermark. You're right though about it being intrusive and also about our eyes being drawn to things in the image like that. I'm self taught in photography, aside from graphic design I just never read up on watermarking. Thank you for the great advice.


Senior Member
FastGlass, I took a break from the site for a long time and never posted pictures on here. I honestly did not know until yesterday that I had to downsize the picture to get them on the site to begin with. I don't see your comments as snotty. I don't know how to protect the image and believe it or not, there are people out there that will take a low quality image and upload it after they reedit it. I just thought I'd try to find a way to make sure the image wasn't any good for anyone to use.
I think any watermark / Copyright notice should not be even noticeable at first glance. You really should have to almost look for it to see it. I have been putting mine outside the photo which I really like but recently someone used my photo (Which was OK with me) but trimmed the border off the photo including my copyright notice.
Below is an example.

Just started playing with moving it inside the photo a few minutes ago. I think this will look a little better.
I actually like that, would it be okay with you if I did it the same way?

You are more than welcome to. I have seen others here so it basically the same way. I am still playing with it to get it #1 easy to do and #2 looking good without detracting from the photo and last but not least #3 letting people know who owns the photo


Senior Member
Watermarking is not that big a deal on this site because all of our images cannot be right clicked upon and saved.

Really? I do it all the time to test out thoughts on images. I delete them, of course, when I am done playing (and hopefully learning) -- they are for my eyes only.
Really? I do it all the time to test out thoughts on images. I delete them, of course, when I am done playing (and hopefully learning) -- they are for my eyes only.

There are ones here that you can do that too. They are marked under the name as "Image Editing" YES

The ones that are "Image Editing" NO you should not be able to download by right click.


Senior Member
@Don Kuykendall: but, your watermark (on the photo of those metal gates) can be very easily removed. For me, watermarking is pretty useless - it presents an obstacle to the viewer and does not prevent the photo to be (completely or partially) edited...Anyway, if anybody happen to sue someone over alleged theft of a photo, I'm sure there are other sorts of evidence to be used for the purpose...

The major problem is the photo's aesthetics: EVERYTHING (every little thing!) that is in the photo is a PART of that photo. Adding ANY EXPLICIT, recognizable detail to the photo (such as a letter or a word, among the other things) is highly questionable. It is not like regular editing in terms of removing spots caused by dust on the sensor or changing certain "technical" parameters etc. ...
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Senior Member
@Don Kuykendall: but, your watermark (on the photo of those metal gates) can be very easily removed. For me, watermarking is pretty useless - it presents an obstacle to the viewer and does not prevent the photo to be (completely or partially) edited...Anyway, if anybody happen to sue someone over alleged theft of a photo, I'm sure there are other sorts of evidence to be used for the purpose...

There IS one way to prevent people on the internet from stealing your photos. Guaranteed. 100%.

Don't post any.

As for suing someone for using your image without your consent or payment, that's easy to prove. It's called your Copyright Registration.