Recent content by TieuNgao

  1. T

    I really like Z5+24-70 f4 combo

    I like this combo better than my old D750+24-85mm
  2. T

    Z5 in low light

    The attached photos were taken with auto ISO at 12800, and with 24-70 f4 S lens. The focus was instantaneous and no visible noise in the dark areas.
  3. T

    Post Your Z6 Photos

    Z5 with 24-70mm f4 S
  4. T

    z5 or z6 or z6 mark 2

    I bought the Z5 couple of months ago when it was on sale for C$1300 (US$1000) with a free FTZ adapter. I don't have any Z lens yet and currently I'm using Z5 with F-mount lenses while still keeping my 6-yr-old D750. Here's one of my photos taken with Z5 and 24-85mm f3.5-4.5
  5. T

    No forum for Z5?

    I wonder why there's no forum for Nikon Z5? - not enough interest or owners? - Z5 is very similar to Z6?
  6. T

    Best of the D750

  7. T

    Best of the D750

    The Sunset
  8. T

    Best of the D750

    A perfect day to stroll around the lake...
  9. T

    Best of the D750

    Dawn in the neighborhood
  10. T

    What's your second camera?

    As most of us here, my D750 is the main workhorse. But there are situations when I want to leave the D750 home and take a smaller camera with me, in this case the Coolpix A. Coolpix A has APS-C sensor, no AA filter, and a good fixed lens optimized for that particular camera. I'm happy with its...
  11. T

    New Sigma lenses include a 100-400

    I don't have the Sigma/Tamron 150-600 or Nikon 200-500. I think they're too big and too heavy for my needs as a casual wildlife/sports photographer. The Nikon 70-300 is too soft at the tele end and doesn't have enough reach. Nikon 80-400 is too expensive at $2300. So this Sigma 100-400 would...
  12. T

    Low Light ISO Setting D750

    Talking about low light and high ISO, I have a little experiment to share with you: I've taken the same picture at different ISO 6400, 3200, and 1600. Manual mode (S=1/40, A=7.1), on tripod and the same frame. At ISO6400 the camera meter showed the "correct" exposure, and obviously...
  13. T

    Perspective Distortion???

    Thanks 480sparky. I just found something in Corel Paintshop Pro that adjusts the perspective distortion in very much the same way as GIMP. Here's the result:
  14. T

    Perspective Distortion???

    This is the picture of my Christmas Tree (HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!) It's taken with D750 and 16-35mm f/4 lens, focused on the left side of the tree, which is couple of feet in front of the fireplace. As you can see the top and bottom of the mantel are not horizontal. I wonder how to fix this...
  15. T

    What do you want for D760???

    Nikon may replace D750 with a new model in 2017. This forum has a good number of D750 users, thus it'd be interesting to know what the D750 users want for the next model. Please list the features you'd like to have on D760 and whether you may want to upgrade. Thanks.