Recent content by FriendsofmrPickles

  1. FriendsofmrPickles

    Dumb Jokes Posted Here.... if you dare.

    What did Jeffrey Dahmer say to Lorena Bobbitt........ Hey you going to eat that?
  2. FriendsofmrPickles

    Post your Photographing the photographer.

    Mr pickles and his photographer. Yeah I know the camera says Lumix but it's now a d810.
  3. FriendsofmrPickles

    Comments wanted.

    please don't take anything personally,,, honest feedback. .Good quality photo,,, boring in my mind. Looks like 15,000 other pictures .. I agree with Hammer, nothing to look at.
  4. FriendsofmrPickles

    Seeking Advice: Gaming Desktops for Optimal Performance

    Threadripper CPU. 64 core. Period ..... And definitely liquid cooling...
  5. FriendsofmrPickles

    Moon pictures - what went wrong?

    Some lenses will focus past Infinity... Try pull back ever so slightly.
  6. FriendsofmrPickles

    Viewfinder info

    Hi just wondering if anybody knows how to turn off the illuminated information at the bottom when you're using your viewfinder... I find at night when it's there it's very distracting I would like to be able to remove it all together... Thanks for your time in advance cheers.