Recent content by Cosa200

  1. C

    Batch renaming JPegs

    Good Morning all. I need a bit of help please. I have a Flickr site, and take thousands of pictures of trucks.... (Here is the link When I get home after shooting some Trucks, and i have sorted them all out, I catalogue them in my Excel database. So...
  2. C

    D810 Sports Mode Help

    Hello everyone. I`m looking at updating to a new camera, a D810. I shoot trucks from the roadside, and shoot in "M" mode usually, but sometimes if the weather is a bit dull, I switch to the Sports Mode(The running man icon) on my D5300. I can`t seem to find it on the D810, I`ve borrowed my...
  3. C

    Raw file help please.

    Hello everyone. I brought two years ago, a D3100, my first digital camera, I shot in Jpeg/Raw. Six week ago, I upgraded to a D5300, again, shootig in Jpeg/Raw. I have noticed that the RAW file, when opened up, look really grainy and pale, yet the ones that were shot using the D3100 were...
  4. C

    Whites burning out in bright weather.

    Hello everyone. My first post. I`m a big truck photographer, and for the past year, I have been shooting trucks on my D3100,superb camera, but when the sun shines, and a WHITE truck gets snapped, the whites seen to burn out. I have set my white balance to "preset manual", yet it still does it...