Recent content by Bear Dale

  1. B

    An afternoon of BIFFING on my front lawn :)

    An afternoon of BIFFING on my front lawn and all the birds were behind me !!!!!! :) :) And the day before we painted the other little aluminum boat
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    Superb Fairy-wren cock

    Superb Fairy-wren cock he's going through the moult and will be a lot bluer soon. Scientific Name: Malurus cyaneus
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    Six cartridges with their reflections, one with a fired primer. No, it wasn't a case of Russian Roulette with 6 cartridges :) :) I liked the look of them on the black shiny tile that I like to use for macro shots, don't like how much dust shows up, takes quite a while in photoshop cleaning...
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    Some recent bird photos

    Some birds that I have photographed lately, thanks for looking :) Red-capped Plover Australian Pied Oystercatcher Amazing how often they get a marine worm Red-Necked Stint Little Wattlebird Satin Bower Bird Rainbow Lorikeets Silvereye Eastern Spinebills...
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    Australia Doesn't Exist

    The secret is out.
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    Dumb Jokes Posted Here.... if you dare.

    Kind of a cool way to take a casket to the cemetery. A funeral procession pulled into Cemetery. Several car loads of family members followed a black truck towing a boat with a coffin in it. A passer-by remarked, "That guy must have been an avid fisherman." "Oh, he still is,"...
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    Dog Fight

    This was a water bomber coming down to fill up with water to fight a bushfire, it looked like the pilot was lining me up for a strafing run.
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    Peach Blossom

    Peach blossom, early Spring in Oz
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    Willy Wagtail just taking off in flight.

    Willy Wagtail just taking off in flight.
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    Dumb Jokes Posted Here.... if you dare.

    Australians don't always stick it to New Zealander's ........ but sometime we do :)
  11. B

    Have you bought a case for your 200-500mm lens?

    Have you bought a case for your 200-500mm lens? The supplied Nikon one isn't as good as the ones that come with lenses like the 24-70mm, 70-200mm etc If you have bought a lens case, could you please tell me what you bought :) Thank
  12. B

    Sony RX10Mk III HFR Slow Motion Video of a Bee

    Sony RX10Mk III HFR Slow Motion Video of a Bee This is just two seconds of the bee filmed at 1000fps hovering over a pasture clover flower -
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    Stacked image #2 Clover Flower

    The Nikkor 105mm Macro is an amazing lens, to be able to view just plain pasture clover above in a totally different light!