An Ode to my Friend


Senior Member
This has to be the most difficult days of my life. There are no words that will do justice to what you have imparted to me. You my friend, have been a part of me...
You came into my life when i entered my teens, an exciting, confusing part of my life as a little bundle of energy.
You shaped me for who i am today.. silently, yet so strongly you taught me the beautiful aspects of life.
When the rest of the world had only the wrong things to offer, you showed me that there is some good to this life.
You showed me what it is to love unconditionally, to be there as the strongest pillar of support, to give with no expectations to get.
Every single day of your life you have waited for each of us to come home safely, you would sit by the window waiting and waiting and waiting.. crying silently at most times & when you couldn't bear it you would cry out loud.
and once you saw us, the love you would shower on us would make the most difficult of days seem like a day in heaven.
From the days you were a baby, zipping around the house like you were the king of the world, the ways you would jump on us with so much affection and love, would just seem that you were with us from the moment we opened our eyes.. and we foolishly felt you would be with us forever.. like a hand or eye or any vital part of us.

For 17 years you made our lives a bliss. we went though tough days like any family would and some of them were so hard, if it not for you, we may not have made it through.
you knew what a cracked cookie i was, and you knew exactly how to be with me.
I know you have put so many important lessons in me, that i would not be who i was today.
You showed me there is goodness in this life, the ability to love, the heart to forgive and the will to be there for someone unconditionally.
When i was younger, you would tell me in your own ways what i was doing was right or wrong.
You would listen to me when i was going though the motions of growing up and feed me with what i needed to become a person who cares.
Nothing lasts forever, this i knew from loosing two of your older brothers, and you made me be ready for this time when we would have to say goodbye.
Though i prepared myself for this day for the past 3 years, nothing would prepare me for the pain you had to go through for the last 3 days of your life.
I know you didn't want to go, i know you didn't want to leave us, i know you would stay within these 4 walls as long as we lived if you could,
For without you, this life seems hollow, this house feels empty, this heart feels shattered.
I wish i could have taken all your suffering on me & let you pass on painlessly & peacefully, but this cruel & heartless life had other plans for you.
I hope you forgive me for deciding to let you go, it has been the single most painful & difficult decision of my life.
I hope your brothers Romeo Sr. & Rover are waiting for you in some happy place & you look down on us with the same love that you always had unlimited supply of.
I hope at least now you are at peace.
My life will no longer be the same without it.
Every day is going to be a motion with a facade that everything is going to be ok.
You have left us with so many memories, a treasure that can never be replaced or valued
Goodbye my little buddy.
i will miss you for the rest of my life with every breath i have left.
Rest in Peace


Staff member
Super Mod
A heartful thank you to your loving Romeo and very touching. You are obviously a wonderful person, WhiteLight, and Romeo was undoubtedly a very loving and devoted pet. People who love and value their pets have pets who love and value their owners. My heart goes out to you as you struggle through this difficult time.

Michael J.

Senior Member
I just shared this on my twitter - It makes me so grateful that nowadays people show there soul - there heart and show love to an friend -a dog-. Everyone deserves love

Thank you WightLight for sharing this touching story of LOVE with us. My your friend rest in peace and stay forever in your heart.
Having lost a four legged family member of our own recently I feel for your loss and the empty spot that gets left in our hearts reminding us of better times. Too often well minded friends are far too willing to find replacements for us before the healing process can run its course. All in time...


Senior Member
I know how hard it is. I have lost a fair number of my four-legged buddies over the years. It never gets any easier. Remember the good times you had and those last few days will become a distant memory.