nikon d850 won't turn on after lens change


New member
Hi, went to change lenses from the 105 to the 50. The 105 got a little stuck as it was coming off. Put the 50 in, turned the camera on but nothing happened. Completely dead. Nothing. Of course I turned everything off pulled out batt and card, put back in, tried again, nothing.
Help! please.


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Your camera should turn on even if no lens is installed. Does it. If not, define the lens getting "a little stuck" Perhaps a photo of the lens mount on the camera may help.


New member
Hi Brent, thank you very much. I take it you are a biker... me too (ducati) :)
Thank you so much for getting back to me.
The camera is totally dead. There is usually a photo count on the display on top that shows even if the camera is off. That has gone also.
I have been watching videos online and the best solution I have come up with is that there may be a "microswitch" somewhere in the contacts of where the lens fits that is not working. All my batteries are original and in good condition (and I use the camera every single day - I take care and am well aware of the state of things). The reason for me believing that something has happened somewhere in the contacts is that my 105 lens has often given me problems removing it "smoothly" - not when mounting. When I tried to take it off earlier I was in a rush - but I didn't force it. I had to twist it in and out a couple of times but I did it gently.
Took it off, put the other lens in and the camera has been dead since. I did all the off on in out of everything batteries, card, lenses again but nothing is happening. (I can post a quick reply or go advanced... not sure what will happen I hope you get this!!)

Camera doesn't turn on with/without lens. I took a Photo of the lens mount but honestly you cannot see anything. Can't see anything even bare eyed.


Senior Member
Try to trouble shoot a couple things before sending your camera in to Nikon. Make sure the battery contacts are clean including the contact points in the camera. Also, go through the whole camera looking for stuck buttons or switches in the half-way position. This can throw electronics into a tizzy. Hope this helps.


New member
I have spent all day going over my actions, it all happened very fast... I think the camera was on but in "sleep"mode when I picked it up to change the lens. I realized just as I was uncscrewing the lens so before actually pulling it off I switched the camera off. It all kind of happened at the same time. Do you think this may have caused a short circuit?
There simply is no power.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
While anything is possible, it could also be the boot software was damaged. The switch doesn't actually turn most device on these days it provides a signal to tell the device to turn on. If you haven done so remove the battery an leave it out for an extended period of time. This may cause a reset. With some devices holding the switch in the on position is thought to speed the process.

It maybe time for a professional. :(


New member
Thank you Needa, this is very useful. I did take the batteries out for 5/6 hrs but then gave in to denial and tried to turn it back on. I will now leave it until tomorrow. (This not being able to do anything, gives me something to do ;))


Staff member
Super Mod
I certainly don't know what's going on with your D850, but keep in mind there is still an electrical current running through the body when it's off. For example, if the body is off and you remove or insert cards into the card slots, a light will come on.

Since you turned the body off while in the process of removing the lens, you definitely could have caused some type of electrical malfunction. Unfortunately I have no suggestions to offer other than to contact Nikon. I don't know where you are located, but here in the USA you can contact them thru their web site. Maybe they can give you a suggestion to try.


Senior Member
I know this is a year ago but I’m wondering if the camera was ever fixed? This just happened to my Nikon D850

Welcome aboard Qamara. Enjoy the ride.
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Yes, I agree with you. If you are still around La SU it would be nice to let us know the outcome.