D810 Live View on HDMI screen only 480p


New member
Hi there,
I'm new here, albeit a long time Nikon user. Looking forward to exploring this community!

So, I've got a D810 which I was connecting to a external 11" screen via HDMI. Works great with only one problem: Everything except photo LV is displayed on that screen in 1080i, that is LV video, the menu, the images and videos, everything. Only for photo LV I have to set the camera to 480p, which to me doesn't make sense. Why would the camera output everything at 1080, only photo LV not?
I've tried different HDMI cables, always same result.
Is there a setting I forgot? or is it just the way the D810 works? I mean, who would implement this in the firmware? Was it just an oversight?

Can anybody shed some light on this? I can work with it, setting it on 480p, looks acceptable, but still this is bugging me!

Looking forward to your replies :)



Staff member
Super Mod
Welcome! Hopefully someone will come along and can help you.

Please feel free to introduce yourself here - https://nikonites.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=35

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


New member
Set Menu option Setup menu/HDMI/Output Resolution to Auto ?
Hi Fred, thanks for your reply!
I tried that, didn't work :( In fact I think I tried every possible HDMI setting, multiple times.
Can a fellow D810 user confirm that either on his/her D810 the above problem also exists, or that photo LV works in full resoluton (1080i)?

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I did confirm this for another member a few weeks back with my D810.

Just tried it again... Live-view is a lower resolution than Playback.

I didn't try shooting video in Live-View and then Playing back the video.
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Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Just to be clear... In straight Live View the HDMI is low res. The camera isn't doing anything.

When I switch the camera to Video, and then turn ON Live View, the resolution is 1080...


New member
Just to be clear... In straight Live View the HDMI is low res. The camera isn't doing anything.

When I switch the camera to Video, and then turn ON Live View, the resolution is 1080...

Ok, so LV in photo mode IS in fact low res 480p, while in video LV it is 1080? If so, I can stop looking for an answer, as this IS the answer. Still who would implement such a weird thing? Doesn't make sense to me. I might still see if can get hold of a Nikon technician and ask what they were thinking :)

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Well... It's a camera. There are two modes. Taking still images, and recording video. Simply plugged into an HDMI port, it's merely passing a signal thru from camera to screen. It isn't really doing either of its primary functions.

Having said the above, Nikon, for the last few years has does a balancing act between battery performance and added features that use the battery... I'm sure consideration between battery use and when/how a feature uses that battery are now main considerations in their product design.