Image area adjustment on the 810 while using a wide-angle lens


New member
URGENT! I have a Nikon D810 that I bought a Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 1:1.8F wide-angle lens to shoot a group photo at my wife's high school reunion tonight. I tested it out last night and I still only get the image area that I see through the lens. How do I adjust this for the camera to give me the wide angle I need? Panic time!!

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member

Here's a video for setting the Image Area... skip to the 4:33 time ... As Don mentioned, you're shooting a crop lens on a full frame camera and may not get the full image that you want...


Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.
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As the other have said, you have a DX lens on an FX body. Hopefully your bought the DX lens locally and can exchange it for an FX wide angle lens.


Senior Member
The best you can do is shoot in FX mode, then crop as best you can in post. You'll probably get a little bit more field of view in the final image than if you just shot in DX mode to start with, but it all depends on the lens itself and what aperture you're using.