D800 Battery Issue

​Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone's come across this problem with the Nikon D800 before (quick 90 second video)

Nikon D800 battery issue - YouTube

Or for those who can't watch it: the D800 will not respond when the battery is in the battery chamber, but will work when a battery is inserted into a battery grip which is then attached to the D800.

Circuitry problem? The camera hasn't even seen a year of use yet...don't want to bring it in for a repair/service this quickly.

It's weird - I can't find anything else on the internet regarding this issue. Is it just my bad luck?



Senior Member
I've heard this with aftermarket batteries but not with Nikon branded batteries. Didn't watch the video, but remember hearing someone talking about this a while ago.


Senior Member

I own the D800E. The batteries included, the EN-EL15 Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, is
really Mickey Mouse stuff and, in my experience, the major flaw of this model.

So much so that I decided to use Eneloop rechargeables in the grip only, none in the body.
Since then, I have no more issues of that nature anymore! And enjoy greater capacity
at a far better price. I always carry a spare set of 8 just in case.

Have a good time!


Senior Member
I use EN-EL18 batteries in my D800e, this gives me amazing life but only really practical if you have a D4 as the charger alone is about £300 and battery £100th need a BL-5 battery adapter.
BackdoorHippie: I thought it may be an aftermarket battery issue - but owning and using both aftermarket and Nikon batteries successfully in the D800 and another D7000 without issue, I can safely rule out that it's specifically an aftermarket battery thing.

gqtuazon: Thing is, using the battery grip actually makes it work - or are you saying that using an aftermarket battery grip somehow screws with the camera's battery circuitry? That's pretty frightening...

Kodiak Like what qqtuazon said, the problem isn't in the grip itself - it's the battery compartment.

Cowleystjames Whoa, I'm not sure if I'd want to shell out the big bucks for such a beefy battery if it that wouldn't work in the camera either...
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