D750 Autofocus Failure


New member
Hi. My D750 (only approx 18 months old and lightly used) just suddenly stopped focussing on autofocus. I took it back to the retailer who sent it back to Nikon and the feedback is "the fault was found to be in the camera body with the mechanism that switches between auto and manual focus ... unlikely they could provide an exact cause of the fault, often it is just general wear and tear. They need to make some further enquiries with the workshop to get the exact details, we'll let you know when they get back to us." A quick internet search seems to indicate this is not an uncommon fault and so, even though the camera is out of its 1 year warranty, if it's a part that commonly fails then I figure Nikon should bear the cost of repair which is indicated at around £300. Does anyone have any useful information on this issue? Thanks.


Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.
We look forward to seeing more posts and samples of your work.

Sorry about your problem, but I would not hold my breath waiting for Nikon to repair it for free.


Staff member
Super Mod
Hi and welcome, Graeme. This is the first I've heard about it--sorry to hear you experienced it. I have not encountered that with my D750 or any other Nikon body. However, all of my bodies have very low shutter actuations.