Memory Card Issue


New member
Hello, I'm wondering if you can help me. I recently bought a D7200 with two 64GB SDXC Cards. All has been fine up until recently, I have the error "this memory cannot be used, card maybe damaged. Insert another card. This is on both cards with no files at all on them. Please can someone advise what I need to do. I've tried formatting them into exFAT format, but my computer just doesn't like the cards at all. The issue have arose since I put the cards in the computer. I have a Sony Vaio running Windows 10. I have bought two further SDXC cards which work perfectly well.


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Super Mod

Have you tried formatting the cards in your camera? That's the only place I format mine.


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum. I have a D7200 and have not had an issue with the cards ever, but I have always restricted to formatting the cards in the camera. I would have to try another card see if something was wrong with the cards.


New member
Hi Dan; I have two other cards that work perfectly well in the camera, I honestly just think my computer corrupted the initial pair of cards beyond repair, but wanted to know if anyone knew of anything I could try to try and salvage them.


Senior Member
I am embarrassed to say I don't own any 64gb cards. But it sure sounds like your computer messed them up. Probably not permanently. Can you check the good cards to insure they are indeed formated as exFat? Do some googling and see what you can find about properly formating them in the computer.
I found this, but I can't try it since I don't have any cards. I think your answer is out there somewhere in google and it will be a computer format of some sort followed by an in camera format. Maybe a 3rd party utility. Maybe info on the card manufacturers site?

Maybe you could format as fat 32. It might give the wrong capacity, but you'll know you are on the right track. Good luck.

edit: found this too. Similar problem
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Never format a SD card for use in a camera in a computer. It will not work correctly. It should not do permanent damage to the card but you should reformat the cards now in the camera that you are using the cards in.

Mark F

Senior Member
Hello, I'm wondering if you can help me. I recently bought a D7200 with two 64GB SDXC Cards. All has been fine up until recently, I have the error "this memory cannot be used, card maybe damaged. Insert another card. This is on both cards with no files at all on them. Please can someone advise what I need to do. I've tried formatting them into exFAT format, but my computer just doesn't like the cards at all. The issue have arose since I put the cards in the computer. I have a Sony Vaio running Windows 10. I have bought two further SDXC cards which work perfectly well.

Reformat the cards as MS_DOS (FAT 32) then put them in the camera and format them in camera.