Ok so how do I post a photo here?????????????

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Every time I try I either get a bad file error, or the page hangs up. All my files are jpg.................What gives?
Are you trying to insert an image or link to one you're hosting on another site, like Flickr?

If you want to insert an image, which is probably easier, click on the "Insert Image" icon on the formatting toolbar of your post; it's the third icon from the right. Make sure you're on the "From Computer" tab and then navigate to your photo. I suggest you don't use a photo larger than 1,000 pixels on the long edge.


1000 pixels, that was 15 years ago? So my 6000 by 4000 images on Flickr are too big and I have to edit them just to upload them here?


Senior Member
1000 pixels, that was 15 years ago? So my 6000 by 4000 images on Flickr are too big and I have to edit them just to upload them here?

No. If you are uploading an image from your computer, then it is suggested that you resize it to a 1000px on the long side, otherwise the forum will resize it to a much less quality of an image for you, which you will like even less than the suggested 1000 px long side thingie.

However, you may also link your image here from Flickr, then when someone clicks on it, it will take them right to the original Flickr image.

In Flickr, click the image you want to share, then click that arrow sign on the right hand side of your image. After that click "BBC Code" and click "original" on the drop down menu.
Now copy the code, and paste it here. This is what it will look like.

Keep in mind that if you click anything other then "original" it will not display the EXIF info here on the forum.

Chattanooga,TN--5 by peter benecz, on Flickr
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Thanks I know that I can post a link from flicker but I also want to be seen here, which is impossible unless I cut the quality of my photos by 75 percent. Why buy quality equipment?
Thanks I know that I can post a link from flicker but I also want to be seen here, which is impossible unless I cut the quality of my photos by 75 percent. Why buy quality equipment?

It has nothing to do with quality equipment. 1000px on the long side and 72PPI looks fine here it the photo is edited properly. Anything bigger takes 4 times as long to load and a thread with many many photos on it would take forever to load and then you would complain about the speed of the server.

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.
