Need help for instilling effects in photograph.


Senior Member
I am a beginner in photography world. I have got a nikon d5100 camera. I have been trying to pull an effect where the primary object (person/view in front I am trying to click) remains sharp in the photo but the background gets little blur. Can anyone tell me how to do that without the use of any software?


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum...

Small number aperture "F 2.8"...Place your subject 10 to 20 meters away from the background should do it...


Senior Member
photography 101, change your focus to single point, overlay the point on the person, so that they are pin sharp, go in aperature priority mode, or shoot manual, and set dof shallow say 3.5, and shoot. The higher end lens can go even more shallow dof.


Senior Member
Kit lenses are ' slow ' other words, they start with larger F numbers ( f4 / f5 etc ) which means less DOF ( depth of field ) which is how much of your subject and background is in focus. With a kit lens, you can still get a blurry background, but you just have to make sure the background is further away from your subject. The further away YOU are from your subject, the further away they need to be from the background. Using the the smallest F number on your camera, and standing as close to your subject as possible, ( before lens refuses to focus ) combined with a background that is some distance away, will give you the best blur possible.

Having said that, there are caveats with using your lowest F number. Sometimes kit lenses are soft at that aperture. You'll just have to experiment to see what you can get away with. If you have to go to a larger number, say from f4 to f5.6, you will get slightly less blurry background, but possibly a sharper subject. Again, experiment. If using f5.6 instead of f4 and you find the blurry background is not enough, either get a bit closer to your subject, or if that isnt possible because you were already as close as you can get before the lens will no longer focus, then you need to move your subject to where the background is further away