Epson Stylus 1430


Senior Member
Does anyone here now own or use, or have you previously owned or used an Epson Stylus 1430 printer? If so, what did you think about its performance in printing photos?

I'd love to get a P600 or P800, but I just can't do it right now. The 1430 is about the most that I can afford right now, and my current printer is malfunctioning and nothing I've done to fix it has worked. :(



Senior Member
I have used Epson's from R200 to a 1280 until that one had the pad filled error had I been more knowledgeable I found out too late that I could have pulled the hose out and have it start draining to a bottle. I was always impressed with the Epson's, I did give the R200 to my son when I picked up a Canon ip7200 and again I was impressed. Basically I am not fan boy to any unless they give me a kick back (that has not happened). That Canon was a black Friday deal and I jumped on. I would print for my own pleasure but if I wanted large prints I sent them to M-Pix. Around Christmas I got an e-mail from Midwest (Columbus Ohio) they selling Canon Pro 100 with a rebate plus some and for 99$ plus shipping I bought it. Again I was impressed. SO if the budget is tight maybe look at Canon here is the link to the rebate. Okay I know there NO CIS that will work but you have to look for deals and again I found a deal, yes the ink is expensive but they had another sale so I paid the 124$US but got 3-8.5x11 50 sheet boxes, 2-13x19 50 sheet boxes and 1-5x7 20 sheet box for FREE. I also bought some Precision Color Ink refill's kit.
It may not be what you want but the price was right for me.
Lou Cioccio


Senior Member
Thank you for the input, LouCioccio.

I needed a photo printer this past weekend to finish a project for my wife; her deadline was Monday evening. I was able to purchase a 1430 off of the floor at a Staples store in Central Florida, and the photos it produced thrilled my wife. Mission accomplished, for the short term. I'm going to research the possibility of rerouting waste ink from the collection pad to try to keep it working longer.

I remember the Canon Pro 100 was on sale for a really great price late last year, but at the time I wasn't serious about purchasing a new printer. I wish that I had paid more attention and purchased one when I had the chance.