nef to jpeg converter for xp D600


Senior Member
Crap. did a wedding yesterday. come to realize I shot pics in the D600 nef. Im still on xp. tried nef to jpeg software but family pics I shot are having a warm tint when the thumbnail and in the camera it was very neautral and proper. can someone recommend a suggestion to get pics to jpeg? I do have LR 3.4 and PS cs4 but non of them work with D600.

any suggestions?

I dont like nef.

or maybe not a nef to jpeg converter but software that works with d600 nef and xp?

I do have a copy of win7 but i waiting for my shipment of my SSD to move over there and upgrade my PP software as well. but for now thats the situation I have in front of me.


Senior Member
Only reason I ask is you can convert to jpeg in camera....but with a ton of photos it would be tedious at best. But maybe do a handful of the ones you like best until someone better qualified comes along.


Senior Member
Thanks for the help Deezey. 900 pics. Not all family pics but crap it was a big family and half is family formals. I might go your suggested route. How to do it?

But i do have a free hdd and thought maybe ill install w7 on that, activate it then install cs6, edit with acr. Then when my ssd comes in reinstall w7. Its not hard to install os/softwre but time consuming

Btw, Ps cs6 acr supports d600?
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Senior Member
How about converting to png so you can edit & process and then convert to jpeg. Surely you don't process jpeg files normally? You can download Adobe Digital Negative Converter for free for NEF or PNG conversion


New member
Good morning. A quick Google search reveals any number of batch converter tools. Google NEF to JPEG and take your pick. I trust stuff downloaded from CNET.



Happily retired
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Super Mod
Here are a few suggestions:

View NX can work. I'm a lot more used to LR so I don't like the way View NX works as far as where are the saved jpegs and the program's corrections modules is not as intuitive as LR (for me). I know some people are really upset because Nikon has sold Capture NXII to Google and has to stop using it's control points.

If it was me, I'd go with the Adobe free converter to DNG and then import them in LR and then work your thing in batch processing. I find this works faster than the VNX route and probably would be less trouble for you. I found that VNX was very resource hungry when it came to processing power and memory usage so I suspect your XP might not be robust enough to treat such a number of image at the same time.

Hope you succeed without too much problems.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Any number of applications will do the conversion you need; that's not going to be your problem. The problem I think you're going to face is that you want to convert NEF/RAW files to JPG's without doing any post-processing (increasing saturation and contrast, adjusting white balance, sharpening, etc.) that would normally be done to a RAW file prior to saving it as a JPG. I think skipping all the normal post-processing is going to leave you with unsatisfactory JPG's no matter what application you use. Hopefully, I'm wrong.

I wish you good luck with this!

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Senior Member
Any number of applications will do the conversion you need; that's not going to be your problem, I don't think. The problem is going to be that you want to convert NEF/RAW files to JPG's without doing any post-processing. I think you're going to wind up with unsatisfactory JPG's no matter what application you use to do the conversion because you will be bypassing the post-processing (increasing saturation and contrast, adjusting white balance and sharpening, et al) normally done to a RAW file before saving to JPG.

I wish you good luck with this!


This is what I thought too... Exporting from camera will do some processing, but loose data in the jpeg conversion and converting direct raw to jpeg will leave you with fairly drab pictures compared to what you would have had - I'd go with ViewNX if you can't get LR going on XP. It may not be the best, but it's simple enough to get you out of a hole when you need it!


Senior Member
ViewNX will automatically apply the camera jpg settings and the pictures should look as good as they did in the camera without any additional processing. Other converters will leave you with possibly nasty looking files if you don't properly process them as the others mentioned.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
ViewNX will automatically apply the camera jpg settings and the pictures should look as good as they did in the camera without any additional processing. Other converters will leave you with possibly nasty looking files if you don't properly process them as the others mentioned.
I've heard that about ViewNX now that you mention it... And now I'm curious to see if/how well that works. I think I'll do some RAW + JPG shooting, import the RAW files into View' and then compare the JPG's side by side. I'm just inquisitive that way...



Senior Member
ViewNX or Lightroom will do it for you. These will also allow you to apply any camera profiling before exporting, so if you shot in something other than Standard (i.e. Vivid, Portrait) it can be applied on import so that you get something close to what your JPEGs would have been like out of camera.


Staff member
Super Mod
Lightroom 4 won't allow me to open the files for my D610 so I wound up editing the properties of all 250 photos to read the camera model as a D600. Then it wasn't a problem. What about converting to DNG then having them open in Lightroom? I *think* I did that once in the past, too, and used Lightroom.


Senior Member
Wow! some fantastic replies. forgot about view nx completely!! I do have 2.3..will give that a go. will be slow to edit nef but next time ill pay attention. I guess out of stress I turned the wheel after pressing the + button. I have to be more alert. shame I cant lock that since I dont shoot anything besides LARGE FINE.

man, you guys are awesome!! thank you everyone. I will try it after todays wedding and see how it goes.


Senior Member
Well duh! I just ran in to this problem last week....I used View NX to import to lightroom. Silly Adobe not making older versions of their product compatible with newer cameras. The shame. Forget the in camera crap. For a couple shots I find it the easiest way because I can do it in the field. But that will only be on select shots....and if I want quick uploads to my GF's computer. (She doesn't want me cluttering up her laptop with "RAW Crap"!!


Senior Member
Well i finished editing that weddiNg. I started editing them in viewnx then saw the convert button to the right of all the top icons. Tried one out, bam! Outputted it to jpeg. Selected all the images. Outputted them all. Took about 3 hours. 11-13mb files. More than enough. But well worth it because editing in viewnx as nef took a long time.

When i would move the sliders there was lag to see the change and it was driving me crazy. So i figured best to output then do the editing as jpeg in acdsee pro where im familiar. I will say that viewnx knows how to make the best of nikon images, duh! Holds on to detail.

To everyone who replied here, I thank each and everyone of you. This really helped me. Bravo guys!