Image theft - new ideas on how to protect your photos on-line


Senior Member
Outside of slicing (which is a pain) there's not much any of the other methods will do. I've yet to find a browser that didn't give me to tools to get anything off of any site I wanted, so if it's out there assume it can and will be stolen. Best thing to do is to be willing to give away the low-res images and have at it. Or watermark the heck out of them and make them unusable (and unappealing).


Senior Member
When you have someone who is determined to steal an image, there is honestly little you can really do to stop them. You can use CSS or disable right click but all they have to do is hit shift-prntscr and copy the entire page into Photoshop and crop out the rest of the page. Just adjust the size of the image until it fills your screen with Cntrl +. Watermarks are fine, but someone who is well versed in Photoshop can make them disappear if they want the image badly enough. If you put a large watermark on the image to deter thieves, it will ruin the image.


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