Why do we take a photo?


Senior Member
I shoot for many reasons. Photography forces me to slow down and really look at where and what I am doing. It's a form of meditation for me. Helps me clear my head and find my center. Other days I just feel out of control and photography allows me to regain "control".

And then there are days I just want to show someone else something they may have missed. Or possibly have taken for granted. Or just make people look and wonder at something that I thought was interesting. What makes photography fun is there is no right or wrong. There is only what can be. So I go out and shoot for me. And maybe look over that next hill to see what I can see.

Michael J.

Senior Member
If I don't take photos I will cook a lot, and that is no good for my "slim" body :D

Honestly, like capture the moment cos it will never come back in the same way