Way off topic! lol :)

Blade Canyon

Senior Member
Use this Sunday to air out the house and clean your clothes. Get that smokey smell out of your stuff, and you will not want it back. Clean the ashtrays and put them in storage. And if you have any cigs left in the house, run water in the pack and wring it. Your risk of heart attack has already dropped, plus your blood pressure and cell oxygenation have improved in just one day of clean breathing. You got this.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Great Bill. Remember that drinking a lot of water will help your system to flush Nicotine out of your body. Try a full glass of water per hour and take 2 showers a day, nicotine will get out from every pore of your skin.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Hey Bill my advice is if you are going to try DONT..... By trying you are not giving it your all and not thinking positively, you need to say to yourself "I AM GOING TO QUIT" none of this 'TRY' B'Shite.... Give it your all or you will end up failing. That is my 2 cents advice.

Ruidoso Bill

Senior Member
I quit everything following a stroke in 1999 and that included my Pipe (I inhaled it) and Alcohol, it was not easy but I really don't miss it one bit anymore. First week or so was the worst.

Blade Canyon

Senior Member
Tomorrow, the third day, could be the toughest. It's when all the nicotine finally vanishes from your body, and you will feel the most nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Just remember the negative feelings are temporary, and celebrate that this will be the first day in years that you have not had nicotine in your body.


Senior Member
Tomorrow, the third day, could be the toughest. It's when all the nicotine finally vanishes from your body, and you will feel the most nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Just remember the negative feelings are temporary, and celebrate that this will be the first day in years that you have not had nicotine in your body.

I found day 2 was like that and it was so bad I vowed never to go through day 2 again - so the choice was stay quit or go back and never consider quitting again.

To @bill - you are doing great and getting that smell out of your clothes and house is a wonderful idea. Some fresh flowers will help too.

One thing I do want to ask - 2 days!!!! CAN WE PLEASE SEE THE JAR WITH THE TWO DAYS OF FUNDS IN IT.


Senior Member
I will likely try to air out the house once it cools off outside. :)

But I don't have any money Lawrence. :( So I'm sorry, I just don't have any money to put in a jar to show you buddy. I do have 4 cartons of cigarettes and a few packs I wish I could get my money back for, but I'm broke my friend. :(

I found day 2 was like that and it was so bad I vowed never to go through day 2 again - so the choice was stay quit or go back and never consider quitting again.

To @bill - you are doing great and getting that smell out of your clothes and house is a wonderful idea. Some fresh flowers will help too.

One thing I do want to ask - 2 days!!!! CAN WE PLEASE SEE THE JAR WITH THE TWO DAYS OF FUNDS IN IT.


Senior Member
3 hours to go and I will have completed day 2 of my new smoke-free life! I'm doing it! I didn't use to think I could, but here I am doing it! Woohoo!!! :D


Senior Member
Lol I think that could get me arrested buddy! Lol Cigarettes are one of those items I believe you need license to sell, like beer. It's one of those products that are regulated for taxes and customer age.
If I new someone that smoked, I might be able to sell them, but I couldn't try selling them on the street.
Also the store won't buy them back, claiming it's due to the taxes or something and that it would be illegal for them to buy them back. :(

Bill surely if you went down to the local soda shop/newsstand or whatever someone will buy those horrible things off you.


Senior Member
I do know the store owner, so I'm hoping I can talk him into taking them back. He'll be in tomorrow, and I'll give him a call to see if he'll do it. It's unlikely, but I'll try.


Senior Member
Every cell in your body is thanking you for quitting right now. In a few days, I'd bet that you won't believe how much better you feel.

We're behind you, man!