TwistedThrottle's twisted images


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B-25D Mitchell





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12 stitch panorama. Hand held, 4 horizontal shots, 3 tall. Didn't have a wide enough lens for this shot, shade tents are in the way and also runway restrictions prevented me from backing up.



Senior Member
Handheld horizontal pano. Too busy, there's not only multiple of the same person, there's half people too! Always a tradeoff, take the 70-300 and get the reach or 24-200 for flexibility.



Senior Member
Thanks @Dangerspouse
The kiddo and I were supposed to go to this together, but she wanted to go see some stupid dinosaur movie with her friends instead, lol! It allowed me to go into full on geek mode and work on a few different techniques. Panos, for one are frustrating in this kind of scenario. Its nice to be able to get the shot, but to have everything align is a real pain and nearly impossible with so many people moving around. Nothing like a nice tree or a static train. I think a pano with a 10 stop ND filter would work nicely to get rid of most of the people but would be a challenge to align the slides and then I'd have to cart around a tripod too. I was also working on slowing the shutter speed to increase the prop blur while working on panning with the planes. All in all, it was a fun day out at the airport!


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Based on my experience, these are not rejected shoes, but rather bad guys throwing someones shoes over the wires! The shoes look to be in pretty good shape to reject them! :mad:


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Super Mod
Based on my experience, these are not rejected shoes, but rather bad guys throwing someones shoes over the wires! The shoes look to be in pretty good shape to reject them! :mad:

Just guessing BB, but I think he may have rejected them from the weekly challenge - SHOES. I could be wrong though.


Senior Member
My understanding is that it used to be a sign that you could buy drugs in the area.

Don't see it as much anymore. Not that the illicit drug trade has lessened. My guess is the internet has made it easier to find them.


Senior Member
Yup, rejected for the weekly challenge. I've heard several things about the meaning behind the shoes hanging from the wires, drugs & bullies but also departed loved ones and graduates. I'm going with drugs based off the surroundings in the area I had to go to in order to track down my shoes shot.


Senior Member
I really like the middle one, just a very captivating image the way the edges of the pool repeat.

The one you decided on is awesome as well