Sakki's Project 365


New member
Back in January 2010 I did Project 365 for 4 months until I finally gave up in frustration due to the limits of my crappy point and shoot. Well at least I think it was the p&s, it could have been me. :p Now that I've upgraded I'm going to give this another try. Fingers crossed that I see *some* improvement by the end of February 2013.



New member
Look at both carefully and tell us the difference. :)

Oh my God, no one told me there were going to be TESTS!?!?!

My best guess would be that I was unknowingly shooting yesterday's photos in RAW. What the heck do I know about shooting in RAW? The answer to that is ... nothing. I changed it today to "Fine" and wow, things were suddenly a lot more colorful.


New member
I went to Hakone Gardens in Saratoga today. It's a small park that is a recreation of what a shogun's estate would have looked like. I went at 2:00 which wasn't exactly prime picture taking time since it's an incredibly sunny day here. So I took a lot of pics with white skies as opposed to the blue they actually were. Out of the 73 pictures I took, 3 were worth saving. Although the composition isn't great on this one (stupid fish wouldn't pose for me) this was my favorite.



New member
This is my very best buddy, Buggy, who was out romping on my bed. I used the Auto Contrast in Picasa (because I'm a newb and don't have any good photo manipulation software YET) and I'm not sure if he came out too shiny looking. It's quite dark in the bedroom and even with the flash the picture came out quite dark. Oh well, here's the Bugster.



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Senior Member
Oh my God, no one told me there were going to be TESTS!?!?!

My best guess would be that I was unknowingly shooting yesterday's photos in RAW. What the heck do I know about shooting in RAW? The answer to that is ... nothing. I changed it today to "Fine" and wow, things were suddenly a lot more colorful.

The answer is....the light! It's all about the light! :)


New member
The answer is....the light! It's all about the light! :)

Oh the LIGHT. I sorta knew that. I thought you were trying to trick me with something like aperture or shutter speed. :p Perhaps I'm over thinking all of this, my brain is feeling rather full. But thank you for the advice!


New member
Great googly moogly, I actually had more than one picture to choose from today!!! Thank you, and your lovely 50mm f/1.8 lens - I may never return it. It's Fuzzy Horse Season.



New member
It's not supposed to rain the week I rent a lens. :confusion: Dagnabbit.

But thank you for the likes and the kind words. :tickled_pink:
