Post Your D7200 Photos


Senior Member
Thanks for the welcoming. I don't have many pics from the 7200 yet because I've only had it a short time. I just upgraded from a 3100.

Here's another one of the lunatic dog.


Senior Member
Here are a couple of "critter" photos from our Southwest trip in September.

SW- (2560) sm.jpg
Prairie Dog at Caprock Canyons State Park in northern Texas.

SW- (3212) sm.jpg
Squirrel on a 1,000+ foot ledge at Grand Canyon (South Rim - near Pima Point). Don't jump!


Senior Member
Here are a couple more photos from our SW trip in September.

Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona AZ. Since this beautiful chapel itself has been photographed by much better photographers than me, I decided to also look around at small details that are commonly overlooked.

SW- (2975) sm.jpg
On the walkway up to the chapel is this small memorial garden with a statue of St Francis, by Bruno Groth.

SW- (2979) sm.jpg
Also on the walkway, this cactus backlit with a brief burst of sunlight (cloudy day) caught my eye.



Senior Member
I've tried moon pics a bunch and they never turn out too well, but tonight wasn't horrible.
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Senior Member
@magelk Very nice photo of the moon. When I roll my cursor over the photo, though, I don't see the EXIF data. Would you please share your exposure/lens info so I can dream about maybe taking a photo this good someday. (I'll let you explain to my wife that I may need to buy another lens) LOL



Senior Member
ISO 500
1/500 shutter
The lens is the 70-300 AF-S VR

And how do you upload a pic so the EXIF data shows?


Senior Member
And how do you upload a pic so the EXIF data shows?

I use the "Exify" addon for Firefox. Any image I hover over shows me the exif data (assuming it hasn't been stripped out). Your image is fine, I see the exif data no problem.


Senior Member
ISO 500
1/500 shutter
The lens is the 70-300 AF-S VR

And how do you upload a pic so the EXIF data shows?

1) Thanks for the info.
2) I think I read somewhere early on in this forum that if the photos are over 1000 pixels in either direction, the EXIF data disappears????? I usually shrink mine down to 960 on the longest side and it seems to work. YMMV I still don't see your EXIF, but it shows on the swan and deer photos in the posts above yours on this page.
3) Now to convince my wife I need another lens. Ha!
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Senior Member
Got lucky today and had a few swans fly right over me.
AF-S 70-300mm lens
ISO 500
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Staff member
Super Mod
This is cross posted in my thread. This was shot at ISO 5000, and the exposure still had to be raised a little in PCC. Due to that, there was quite a bit of noise in the background as well as on some of the white hearts. Fortunately using an adjustment brush in Camera RAW helped lower the noise to a more acceptable level. Granted not the best job as I'm sure Topaz Denoise would be better suited, but for PCC, it would up being okay.

_NIK2039 low res.jpg


Senior Member
Should have thought about cropping before I posted the first feather pic. I like the closeup version better.
Feather Crop.jpg

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Pretty Belgian. I almost took a puppy home with me last year and decided against it. The dog I took home is probably as active, but at least was house trained. I start every day with a cup of coffee and a game of ball or I end-up with torn shoes.
Unfortunately, people don't know what they are getting and we end up with several Malinois in our shelter every year.