Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
You are a potter? What a wonderful job.
Not myself, no; I'm just lucky to have an office job that surrounds me with ceramicists, painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic designers and dozens of other talented professional artists whose work I admire. Me, though... I'm the "Desk Jockey" that does my best to hold everything together for their collective day jobs: I'm the office manager for the Fine Arts division at college. Those ceramic pieces you see in my photo are the work of one of our long time students, Alex Long. Super nice guy and an absolute magician behind a potters wheel. Just *watching* him throw is a meditative experience.


dh photography

Senior Member

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I hadn't intended to work this one up and it just sort happened as I was experimenting with Photoshop actions... I'm quite happy with it now.
Mono Lake -August 2014_0025.jpg

Mono Lake, August 2014
