My Daisy girl is gone!


Senior Member
Daisy The Rottweiler, my girl is gone and I can't find her.
Last night we went to the fireworks show and when we got home she was gone.
She was out in the back yard with Max my other dog. We have a 6 foot high chain linked fence all around the yard.
She never took off before.

I think that all the fireworks around the neighborhood and all the loud noise must have spooked her.

Me and my wife are going out of our minds.
Been driving around last night and all this morning looking for her. I'm going to go to the animal control later when they open up and report her missing.
My wife is making posters to nail on phone poles. Also put a lost and found pet ad in Craigslist as well.
I hope my baby girl is allright. She must be scared out ther all on her own lost.:(


Senior Member
My Son's Dobie took off once. He was gone for 4-5 hours and crept back home, dragging butt, as if he'd been out partying all night. Daisy will probably do the same. How do you think she got out? Rotty's aren't jumpers.


Senior Member
My Son's Dobie took off once. He was gone for 4-5 hours and crept back home, dragging butt, as if he'd been out partying all night. Daisy will probably do the same. How do you think she got out? Rotty's aren't jumpers.

I have no idea. There is a part of the fence in the back were the bottom of the chain link doesnt meet the ground, but it's only a couple of inches off the ground.
It seems way to small for a big dog to go under that but it is the only area that she could have gotten out from . I guess when they are spooked they can do crazy stuff.

We have a lot of woods and open fields around here. I'm hoping that she's just having an adventure and will find her way home when she gets hungry.


Senior Member
I have no idea. There is a part of the fence in the back were the bottom of the chain link doesnt meet the ground, but it's only a couple of inches off the ground.
It seems way to small for a big dog to go under that but it is the only area that she could have gotten out from . I guess when they are spooked they can do crazy stuff.

We have a lot of woods and open fields around here. I'm hoping that she's just having an adventure and will find her way home when she gets hungry.

Exactly! There are certain natural motives that make dogs want to roam . . . But hunger usually supersedes them, at some point.


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My Australian Shepherd is immensely afraid of fireworks. Even one fire cracker will have her pacing the floor. And if she happens to be outside when it happens, she makes a beeline for the door.

Do you have a locked gate on the fence? If not, is it possible one of the neighbors let her out...if she was barking, maybe it annoyed someone? Be sure to ask your neighbors if they were aware of how your dogs were acting. Hopefully one of them took Daisy into their own home for the night. I wish you all the best in finding her. To me pets are just as much a part of the family as people...and they love us no matter what.


Senior Member
My Australian Shepherd is immensely afraid of fireworks. Even one fire cracker will have her pacing the floor. And if she happens to be outside when it happens, she makes a beeline for the door.

Do you have a locked gate on the fence? If not, is it possible one of the neighbors let her out...if she was barking, maybe it annoyed someone? Be sure to ask your neighbors if they were aware of how your dogs were acting. Hopefully one of them took Daisy into their own home for the night. I wish you all the best in finding her. To me pets are just as much a part of the family as people...and they love us no matter what.

Unconditional love . . . Well, except for cats! That's another story. :)


Senior Member
When I was a kid, my family had a dashhound, who would do absolutely anything to take of from home and take a stroll round the neighbourhood. Once it jumped down one story from a balcony and took off. It has taken off when we were on vacation in another part of the country and would still find it's way back to where it left from even days after it took off, and at times were gone more than a week.

My point is, that even if you dog doesn't come home in the first day of two, don't give up. Dogs are magnificent survivors and are able to find their way back, even though they might get into unknown territory.

I hope she comes home safe soon :)


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Unconditional love . . . Well, except for cats! That's another story. :)

I was a dog lover growing up but didn't have any cats. Wound up adopting 2 cats, but it was a feral cat that really captured my heart. I fed her for months then eventually got her to come into my home. I doubt I will ever have another pet as loving and devoted as her. She lived the remainder of her 5 years with me. That's what made me realize I am truly a cat lover (have 2 cats now, one of which is her kitten). Have 2 dogs (Aussie and Dachshund/Yorkie mix) but probably will stick with cats from here on out. :D


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Blacktop, did you notify your police? Since it is a holiday weekend, there may be minimal staff at animal shelters, etc. On Facebook, there are several pages for lost and found pets in our local area plus we have a local web site that stays current on local news. They also report lost or found pets. Be sure to see if either of these options exist in your area.


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Senior Member
Dang, really sorry to read this, but hopeful for a positive outcome. The stat that I heard was that last night and today are the busiest time of year for the shelters and animal control because of all the dogs that run due to fireworks. We had ours indoors last night, but could tell she was more concerned about fireworks then she was last year. If Daisy doesn't return home on her own, I'm hopeful she'll be found and returned today.

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Senior Member
My Australian Shepherd is immensely afraid of fireworks. Even one fire cracker will have her pacing the floor. And if she happens to be outside when it happens, she makes a beeline for the door.

Do you have a locked gate on the fence? If not, is it possible one of the neighbors let her out...if she was barking, maybe it annoyed someone? Be sure to ask your neighbors if they were aware of how your dogs were acting. Hopefully one of them took Daisy into their own home for the night. I wish you all the best in finding her. To me pets are just as much a part of the family as people...and they love us no matter what.

Yes, the gate has a lock on it. Just got back from the animal control, but they are closed today. Going to post on FB as well.


Senior Member
Dang, really sorry to read this, but hopeful for a positive outcome. The stat that I heard was that last night and today are the busiest time of year for the shelters and animal control because of all the dogs that run due to fireworks. We had ours indoors last night, but could tell she was more concerned about fireworks then she was last year. If Daisy doesn't return home on her own, I'm hopeful she'll be found and returned today.

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Funny thing is, that my wife wanted to stay home, and I talked her into going with me last night. None of this would have happened if I just listened to her.:mad:


Senior Member
You couldn't have known. We would have gone out too if we hadn't of had last minute plans that diverted us to New Orleans for the weekend.

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Senior Member
So sorry to hear that. Our dog was unnerved by the sound of all the fireworks as well. My brother in law had a white German Shepherd who was so afraid of lightning that he broke all 4 of his canines off trying to get out of their pen

I hope you find her!