Marketplace Forum Posts?


Senior Member
Maybe I'm missing something obvious.

I'm trying to enter an item for sale in the marketplace. Clicking the post thread icon, it takes me to Panjo to create the listing. That part is done and the item shows listed. I got an email confirming as much.

Is the Panjo integration supposed to create a thread in the Marketplace so that Nikonites users can see the item? I see posts which also show up on Panjo, but it's been a little over a day or so since I created my listing but nothing shows up on the site. Any guidance/advice?


Staff member
Super Mod
I listed something recently and it created its own Nikonite thread. Something much have zigged when it should have zagged. jdeg will surely be able to fix it for you! :)


Senior Member
Maybe I'm missing something obvious.

I'm trying to enter an item for sale in the marketplace. Clicking the post thread icon, it takes me to Panjo to create the listing. That part is done and the item shows listed. I got an email confirming as much.

Is the Panjo integration supposed to create a thread in the Marketplace so that Nikonites users can see the item? I see posts which also show up on Panjo, but it's been a little over a day or so since I created my listing but nothing shows up on the site. Any guidance/advice?

What are you selling? Maybe I want to buy it.:)