Low Light Focusing


Senior Member
I've been doing some shots for a local rock night on my d5100 + sigma 17-50mm f2.8.

I have just been messing around with my setup trying to get the most reliable correct autofocus in low light and have just noticed something very odd and wondered if someone of you guys can check it for me :)

It seems as though the camera finds centre focusing a lot easier in low light than if I tell it to focus off to the left or right.

It's no problem at all, in fact knowing this I can make sure I get the best focus! But I just thought it was a little odd and wanted to see if any one else can back this up for me :)

(P.S Shooting in single servo - single point :) )


Senior Member
Your center focus point is the strongest. Not sure exactly how many cross points the 5100 has, but those are your strongest focus points. They look vertical and horizontal. I think the 600 only has a few (I think 9), but not sure about the 5100. I pretty much use the center focus point about 95% of the time.


Senior Member
It's an 11 point AF system. You nailed the answer in your first sentence for me :p

When I first got the camera, I was always focusing with the centre and then framing. As I've got more proficient with my shooting, I've been altering the focuspoint assuming that would help me!!! But as I discovered earlier, and what you've just validated for me, the centre focus point is the strongest :)

Thanks very much for that quick reply, it's very much appreciated :)


Senior Member
Yup. Per Nikon's site, the 5100 has one cross type point. And that's going to be the center. It's the most sensitive to focusing the way it's designed. Even with the D600 and it's 9 cross type, I use the single center most of the time and reframe like Don said. The only time I use anything else is when trying to focus on something that's moving. Then I'll use the 3D tracking and continuous focusing. Glad we could help. Learn something new every day.