Lens Recommendation


Senior Member
Hi camera buffs. I have a D5100. I need a lens that take panoramic shots. Not the fisheye. What lens would you recommend and what is the approximate cost?
Thank you for reading and replying.


Senior Member
Razzi, most people take a series of images (overlapping) and then have them stitched with software...

DSC_0534 Stitch.jpg

That is how this was done... I used Microsoft Photo Gallery and it is free software

Pat in NH


Senior Member
I am with Rocky, stitching photos together with software is the best way to do panoramas. I use an 85mm lens (35mm/FX) with the camera in a vertical orientation. It takes more images to do it this way, but it completely eliminates any perspective (and potential barrel, which can play havoc with straight lines) distortion you get with wideangle lenses.
There is not a lens specifically for panoramas. You can use your 18-55 kits lens that came with your D5100 and shoot like STM said in the vertical mode (portrait mode) then use software like PhotoShop (Expensive) or a free program like Microsoft Ice which is a free program that works quite good.

Here are a few that I have done lately


