Kenlock MC-TOR 200mm macro

Iron lung

Senior Member
I recieved a strange phone call from my father saying that he had just returned from an auction where he had just picked up a Kenlock MC-TOR 200mm macro lens! I have never heard of this lens so I am guessing its got a few years on it. Is there anyboby here who knows anything about this lens who could maybe shed some light on it. I havent seen the lens yet but im going over to my parents house to collect it on sat. All I know is that it has no lens caps but has its case. Im not to sure what condition the glass is in but my dad seems to think its in pretty good shape considering he only paid £2.00 for it ;) (way to go dad)

I wonder can I use it on my 3200? I supose I would have to get some kind of adapter for it to work with my camera. I have an old film nikon up the stairs it should fit on that and ill get a better idea off tne lens condition.