Just purchased the 16-35mm - So far i'm really enjoying this lens!


Senior Member
Comments and Critique are welcome!

Nikon D800
Nikkor 16-35mm f/4
Color adjustments and crop using Lightroom 4



Senior Member
Nice, you should enter that into the photo contest that FaymusMedia is running!
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Senior Member
I'm happy as all get-out with mine. Was seriously thinking about the 14-24, but having access to ND filters makes this a no brainer.


The Dude
Nice photo! I would also try using lens correction to remove the altered DoF due to using a wide angle lens and make the temple more of a straight building instead of having it recede into the background.


The Dude
Here's an example of what I was saying. I've set the vertical to -50 and brought the top forward. I also opened up the shadows a bit.



Senior Member
Nice photo! I would also try using lens correction to remove the altered DoF due to using a wide angle lens and make the temple more of a straight building instead of having it recede into the background.

That's a great idea. However, I'm not sure how you did that? Is it something that can be done in lightroom? I know very little beyond the basics when it comes to digital photo editing.


Senior Member
I prefer the original version. Just my personal opinion.

PS.... Jake, what about our poor Indians? I've been able to watch every game so far, and I've been sooooooo sad. :sorrow:


Senior Member
I pay for the MLB package every year so I can watch 'em and yes, it can be painful. Sunday wasn't bad though. Hopefully we can take the next two and get back to .500. Living this close to the evil empire makes it tough when you lose to them.


The Dude
That's a great idea. However, I'm not sure how you did that? Is it something that can be done in lightroom? I know very little beyond the basics when it comes to digital photo editing.

Knawx, I didn't see your reply until today. Correcting the DoF for architectural structures is pretty easy. Do you have Lightroom or Photoshop? If so, it's as easy as moving a slider one way or the other. If you have LR, go to "Lens Correction" and then click on "Manual" and it will bring up a set of sliders. In this case you'll want to use the "Vertical" slider. I set the Vertical at -50 for this image but that was somewhat arbitrary.

If you don't have Lightroom you can do this in Photoshop, too, however it's a little more involved.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.