GPS features for photography?

Camera Fun

Senior Member
What features are available when using GPS for photography? For instance, is it possible to take a photograph using GPS and then transfer the location to aerial imagery/maps in order to have a visual record of the point where the photo was taken? Is any additional software required? Etc. Thanks.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
For geotagging with the D7000 look into the Solmeta NC-3. There are other options, like the Promote GPS-N-90 (far less expensive as well) but the Solmeta is probably the best.

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Super Mod
Staff member
Super Mod
I'm a big fan of the Aokatec Bluetooth GPS devices - no cables. Info here. You can buy them on Amazon. The D7000 version is less than US$25. I pair it with a Holux GPS receiver (don't remember which model).


Senior Member
Nikon View NX2 has a feature that allows you to right click on a GPS tagged image and a menu box opens with "Show location on map" option. Clicking on it will automatically open Google maps and go to where the image was taken.


Gear Head
I'm a big fan of the Aokatec Bluetooth GPS devices - no cables. Info here. You can buy them on Amazon. The D7000 version is less than US$25. I pair it with a Holux GPS receiver (don't remember which model).

Thanks for the link Eduard. I am interested on this GPS receiver.

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Senior Member
Nikon View NX2 has a feature that allows you to right click on a GPS tagged image and a menu box opens with "Show location on map" option. Clicking on it will automatically open Google maps and go to where the image was taken.

Does Photoshop or Lightroom offer the same facility? As I can't find it if they do!
If you just want to see how you like GPS for your photos and have a smart phone you can download GPS4CAM

You just run the app on your phone while you are shooting for the day. At the end of the shoot the app will generate a Q code and you take a photo of it with the same camera. When you download the photos on your computer there is a small program you run on your computer and it will tag all the photos on that shoot with the GPS data. I have used it a number of times and it works great.

The cost is $2.99 on itunes