Do you carry your camera everywhere or just sometimes ?


Senior Member
I probably should start taking it with me. That's the only way I'll get more of an opportunity to learn. Being in a suburb of Chicago there isn't too much out my way, but there are a lot of forest preserves I may have to go to and see if I can catch some wildlife in action.


Senior Member
I always have it in the car but not always on me. Many of the shots I have posted have been "Drive By" shots out the window. I drive on a lot of country roads and never know what might run or fly by. Then of course my cell phone is always with me and I have a pocket point and shoot that I carry if I am somewhere I don't want to carry the Nikon. Sometime I have all three.


Senior Member
180,000? Less than 3000 where I live. I suppose that is why most of my pictures are of animals. :D

But to answer your question, yeah I generally take my camera with me when I go out. One of these days I'm bound to be out and see a UFO or honest politician and will want my camera handy.
Fat chance of that, but if you do, be sure to share with us right away. We could use a honest contender for the Presidency.


Senior Member
Where I live, it's extremely hot in the summertime and don't want to leave my camera baking in the truck. Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but I worry about heat+electronics+lubricating oils and how they might fare, plus theft. I carry it only when I'm out to take pictures.

Siddhartha Basu

Senior Member
I found carrying my D3100 even with a prime 35 mm lens is not always suitable / convenient - therby missed some excellent photo-opportunities.
So, I got a Samsun S2 Plus mobile provides me excellent moments ...


Senior Member
Well, at least here in Israel the beach is 5 minutes walk from my home so I practice landscape(beach) photography anytime I want :p
The photo bellow isn't the greatest, but it's a fairly long exposure with no tripod. heavily edited so it would look sharper lol

Scott Murray

Senior Member
If I am going for a drive I will take a camera or two, when I fly out to work due to weight restrictions I normally do not take my camera, need to get a small point and shoot I think.


Senior Member
Always, now that I have a 'mirrorless' one. It's too convenient not to. SLR? Eh, not so much. Only when I'm doing a job or something.


Senior Member
what mirrorless camera did you buy with what lens? Did you carry your D7000 around with you before that purchase? And now, do you
use your D7000 much? Just curious, because i am looking at alternatives to the D7000 for walking around, travel, where light might be
better than heavy.


Senior Member
I tend to carry mine with me more often than not. It's not the camera that prevents me from taking it everyone. More than anything, it is the bag. I now have a "day bag" where I carry my bare necessities. It is not the nicest bag but it is good enough. I feel like I stand out for a perfect example of "rob me" with my other bags that are bigger. If I am with my boyfriend, it usually comes with me. The main issue is the convenience and my plans for the day. I have driven home from work so many times wishing I had my camera to catch the sunset falling over the downtown skyline or random things. As long as it is safe for my well being and the care of my gear, I bring it with me. I try to be as inconspicuous as possible.


Senior Member
I tend to carry mine with me more often than not. It's not the camera that prevents me from taking it everyone. More than anything, it is the bag. I now have a "day bag" where I carry my bare necessities. It is not the nicest bag but it is good enough. I feel like I stand out for a perfect example of "rob me" with my other bags that are bigger. If I am with my boyfriend, it usually comes with me. The main issue is the convenience and my plans for the day. I have driven home from work so many times wishing I had my camera to catch the sunset falling over the downtown skyline or random things. As long as it is safe for my well being and the care of my gear, I bring it with me. I try to be as inconspicuous as possible.
I carry my camera in one of those padded lunch totes that school kids carry their lunch. No one looks twice at it.