d3200 no information bar in view finder


Senior Member
I red the user manual what show the view finder has a information bar, how can I turn it on?

Hi, and welcome. Why not introduce yourself in the New Member Introduction folder? We look forwards to seeing some of your pictures!

To answer your question: lightly press the shutter button and the info bar should appear along the bottom of your view finder. It goes into rest mode and disappears in between shots.

ver gab

New member
HI, thanks for your answer.
When I press the shutter button half way, the focus leds ( red points are stay red) are works but not show the info bar.
I tried some in some modes.


Senior Member
The only other thing I can think of is either you have accidentally changed your brightness level to all the way down, or perhaps you are shooting in very hot or cold conditions. The D3200 manual says in the View Finder chapter, "The response time and brightness of the viewfinder display may vary with temperature."


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I understand it turns on the display thought it might also add the info back to the view finder. Maybe try a menu reset if you haven't.


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Super Mod

You might want to start a 365/daily thread here
- https://nikonites.com/project-365-and-daily-photos/

Also, please feel free to introduce yourself here - https://nikonites.com/new-member-introductions/

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.

Please let us know when/how you corrected the problem in case it happens to someone else. Thanks!

ver gab

New member

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
First, I don't have a D3200... but I do have just about a dozen Nikon camera bodies... I'm not aware of any setting in any of those Nikon bodies that completely turns OFF all displays in the Viewfinder, as your post below suggests... I'd conclude that if your camera persists in NOT displaying any functions in the viewfinder that it isn't a setting but very likely a defect...

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Thanks for your reply.
Is this info bar use the main battery?


This is what you are supposed to see when looking thru the D3200 viewfinder. If you don't see the info on the bottom of the screen, then something is broken. Your best option is to send it back to Nikon for repair...

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Senior Member
Did you see FredKingston 2 remarks? Looks like you can't turn the information on or off, short of breaking the camera (and you really don't want to do that!)