Cleaning stuff needed.


Senior Member
I've just been wiping off my lenses with a micro fiber cloth, but I have nothing else.
I'm going to order a rocket blower today.
What else would I need?
I noticed some dust spots on my sensor, but not sure if it needs a wet cleaning.


Senior Member
I would wait on the rocket blower. That is all it took for me last time to clear dust spots. I would only wet clean if absolutely necessary. Please remember that the tools for a wet clean are expensive too....$32 for a 12 pack of swabs.... that makes me take my time with using the rocket blower, and that usually does the trick anyway.


Senior Member
I've just been wiping off my lenses with a micro fiber cloth, but I have nothing else.
I'm going to order a rocket blower today.
What else would I need?
I noticed some dust spots on my sensor, but not sure if it needs a wet cleaning.

You're also going to need a lighted sensor scope. They fit right over the opening, and you can see the dust particles very easily. I bought my sensor scope from Adorama....great product, but again, a little expensive...


Senior Member
Personally....I like this one a little better....cost more but doesn't have that bottom stand or whatever it is...and even though the Delkin costs's the best one out there....go cheap and get cheap. It's up to you, but I would spend the extra and get the pro scope.


Staff member
Super Mod
Personally....I like this one a little better....cost more but doesn't have that bottom stand or whatever it is...and even though the Delkin costs's the best one out there....go cheap and get cheap. It's up to you, but I would spend the extra and get the pro scope.

This is a photo I pulled from Amazon's web site--the bottom part is adjustable to fit inside the mount.


This one has 6 LED lights with a magnification of 4.5x--plus a focus knob. Yours has 4 LED lights and a magnification of 5x. Each one has its own advantages. Both come with their own storage case. :)


Senior Member of the other features the pro Delkin has, is that it fits entirely across the whole opening....whereas the one you're advocating leaves open space for dust to slip by and possibly into the camera.


Senior Member
Just my personal opinion and that is what I did. The sensor isn't that easy to scratch if you don't use something hard. It is no different from cleaning your lens except this is inside your camera and more difficult to clean.

Ultimately, you will need to clean that sensor even if you don't change lens. Dust will get in, unless you don't use that camera. So, it is better to learn how to clean that sensor.

What kind of cleaning kit? The expensive ones would be great but not necessarily you need the most expensive kit. As I have said earlier, no different from cleaning your lens. Start with your lens then move to sensor. Don't panic if you did not get it right the first time. You can do it a thousand times to get it right. Nothing will happen to that sensor unless you try something funny. Last resort, bring to the service centre. That cost to clean is not going to be more expensive than before you trying cleaning yourself.

Good of luck and watch as many YouTube on how to clean that sensor before you start.


Senior Member
This is the one I have, too. Works like a charm!

And might want to pick up a Lens Pen. Just sayin'. :)

Way ahead of you on the lens pen. I posted my latest purchases in the "post your latest purchases" thread.
Got the pen and some other stuff. Here ,I'll show it to you.

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