Adjusting lenses for auto focus in aD7000


Senior Member
:confused: I began to suspect that my auto focus was not spot on on my 16-85 lens. Saw that it could be adjusted and sent several unedited raw files to Nikon for evaluation. But they tell me they can't evaluate them because they were not opened using Nikon software.
​Now I'm sure that NX2 or one of those came with the camera but I never installed it and do not have a clue where the cd went. Is there another method or place where I could get my files evaluated?

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
What software did you use???? They're probably complaining because whatever you used stripped the EXIF data from the files, and they can't tell what parameters you used to take the pictures...


Senior Member
The exif files show up on my editor. I quess I need to go thru that fine tuning process but am confused as to how to do it. the manual was not very clear in my estimation.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Okay... we can help you... There are several YouTube video tutorials that walk you through the process... simply searching YouTube for "lens fine tune D7000" will get you started...

Basically, you need a target to take pictures of... depending on which way your lens is focusing front/back, you make adjustments in your camera... Your camera reads the chip for the lens and creates a small database for each lens you attach...and reloads/adjusts for each lens whenever you put it on the camera...

Take a picture, make an adjustment, take another picture to re-check the adjustment... make another adjustment until you dial-in the adjustments for that lens...

The Youtube videos will also point you to a target... You can buy a target, or you can print one off the internet...

Here's a link to the latest version of ViewNX2 if you wanna start over...but I doubt you'll get much satisfaction by sending the images to Nikon without being able to tell and demonstrate that the camera/lens can't be fine tuned within the limits of the camera...


Senior Member
Thanks everybody. I will try these methods and get back to you when I have had a chance to explore them. I could be totally mistaken and my eyes could be fooling me but I sure want to explore this issue to it's conclusion. i really love the D7000 and I look forward to a long association with it.


Senior Member
Ron at you can download ViewNX2 or CaptureNX2.
Click on nikon products and scroll down to Imaging produts .
By the way ViewNX2 is free. But if you want to Capture NX2 has a free 60 day trail period.