pros cons of the D750


Senior Member
only 20 minutes recording-30 would be better.
51 AF area is still bunched up in the same area as before
grip is insanely expensive at $370. so this by itself is why im waiting for a 3rd party mfr to make one. I cant shoot a wedding without a grip.

Af system with -3ev capability, new metering system.
tilt screen
full manual control in video ,zebra
all the little upgrades like higher density lcd, deeper grip, dual stereo mic, flat profile, group AF,
built in wifi.
price. better than rumored of $2500-2700


6.5 fps. not 8 but decent.
green color WB in colors and the screen as well. ill have to see on this. this and high iso are the make or break for me.
over iso 4000 on d600 was unusable. D3s is useable to 12800 if I expose a bit over. I know the D750 goes to 12800, but I hope I can get a nice 6400 and ill be happy enough.
highlight weighted metering. well see.
new shutter mechanism..not wure what benefit this will have.

just waiting for a grip from a 3rd party MFR and I think ill be in.

what are key features that will get you to buy?


Gear Head
only 20 minutes recording-30 would be better.
51 AF area is still bunched up in the same area as before
grip is insanely expensive at $370. so this by itself is why im waiting for a 3rd party mfr to make one. I cant shoot a wedding without a grip.

Af system with -3ev capability, new metering system.
tilt screen
full manual control in video ,zebra
all the little upgrades like higher density lcd, deeper grip, dual stereo mic, flat profile, group AF,
built in wifi.
price. better than rumored of $2500-2700


6.5 fps. not 8 but decent.
green color WB in colors and the screen as well. ill have to see on this. this and high iso are the make or break for me.
over iso 4000 on d600 was unusable. D3s is useable to 12800 if I expose a bit over. I know the D750 goes to 12800, but I hope I can get a nice 6400 and ill be happy enough.
highlight weighted metering. well see.
new shutter mechanism..not wure what benefit this will have.

just waiting for a grip from a 3rd party MFR and I think ill be in.

what are key features that will get you to buy?

From my point of view, the CONS that you've mentioned are not cons such as the video compared to my D3s. Same goes with the price.

Having owned the D800E, the grip price is average for that level of camera.

The D750 offers good compromise and should be a good all around camera. It should be able to handle most of the various types of photography. I would buy it if I was in the market of a full frame camera.


Senior Member
I think that Nikon did a good job. The 51 point AF & group mode would have got me had I not already decided on the D810. The little bunch of focus points on the D610 was hard to get past for me & makes it feel a downgrade from the D7100.

With the D750 priced so close to the D610, I'd expect to see the D610 discontinued soon. If I'd have just bought a D610 - which I may have done last month, I'd be very peeved right now. I'm glad that I waited.


Senior Member
It's never a good idea to buy a cam right before Photokina. They too often release new material around that date.

I'd check out Photokina -Cologne is but an hour from here- yet sadly, entering the fair is like diving straight into an anthill.
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Senior Member
It's never a good idea to buy a cam right before Photokina. They too often release new material around that date.

Yep, Photokina is the reason I waited for a month.

I won't surprise many people, but when I told a few camera shops that I was waiting for Photokina I got a few sniggers. They won't be getting my business.


Senior Member
I have the 810 on top of my list but I'm gonna wait some more. The days are getting shorter fast, there seems to be more wind and rain each day which all together make lousy conditions for macro.

And you never know, maybe next week something phenomenal is presented in Koln. While waiting never was my forte, at times it makes most sense.


Senior Member
If you're prepared to wait until after Christmas, I expect the D810 may start to get a little less expensive.

Indoors macro with a R1C1 kit?

Regarding Nikon, I'm not sure there would to be another FX announced at Photokina, unless it will be the real Action camera - which holds little interest to me.


Senior Member
I've been looking at the R1C1 kit but to get that going on this D3300, I'd have to make an investment I'd rather put in glass. I'm more inclined to improvise and go for something like this:

Amaran HC100/HN100

It costs next to nothing and might deliver what I require too.

Or if I get tired of waiting, I'll build one myself. It shouldn't be too hard to get some LEDs going.
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Senior Member


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Senior Member
From my point of view, the CONS that you've mentioned are not cons such as the video compared to my D3s. Same goes with the price.

Having owned the D800E, the grip price is average for that level of camera.

The D750 offers good compromise and should be a good all around camera. It should be able to handle most of the various types of photography. I would buy it if I was in the market of a full frame camera.

yes, compared to our D3s 5 minute limit, its a huge improvement. on the other hand, I wish it was 30 minutes which would make it more competitive vs canon who completely dominates in the VDSLR wedding market here. but it is what it is. 4 things that im really focused on to see if ill upgrade.
1-if the AF system is like the D4s (which they said is) 2-the high iso. I didnt like the D600 performance (compared to my D3/D3s) 3-WB performance. 4-how good the metering is (dont care for the highlight metering).

for the grip, I saw some post saying it will be $400+ but adorama has it at $370. thats way to much for my pocket. and since im waiting a little to see if theres any bugs. D810 already had a thermal bug and we know about the D600, so for now, my attention is staring at the tamron 15-30 2.8 VC. Im not sure its worth it for me to even get it before april next year for the next wedding season. I also want to get into VDSLR wedding work as well.

I would stay with my D3 D3s if I wasnt looking to get into video wedding work. theres a lot of demand for VDSLR photographers. but I even noticed the small things they changed, like the depth of the grip and while the D600 isnt bad, for those with long fingers like me, its a problem. so im happy they thought of that.

this is small, but I also hope they fixed the on/off switch which needs more friction like it was in the D600. if you have a d600, move it to the right where its on and turn it to the right where it illuminates and let go and you will see it flings back so hard, it at times will turn off the camera off.

Things get more funky in the dark though, and I'm referring to that more than anything.

yes. give any picture great lighting and grain and color will be acceptable. try shooting on the dance floor where its dark as hell and even if you get the exposure correct, theres huge chroma noise and the detail falls apart and looks muddy. even if you overexposed.
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Senior Member
The D750 could have the best high ISO performance in the entire Nikon DSLR lineup, here is a quote from "the D750 even surpasses the D810 in image quality at high sensitivities, and the large pixel pitch delivers advantages in definition, depth, tonal gradation and clear color". Check also Matt Granger's high ISO comparison between the D610, D750 and D810 (the ISO comparison starts at the 3:33 mark):

Wow. I wanna see this. I doubt it. But if it can do 6400 or 8000 il be very happy. The d810 isnt a stellar high iso performer it isnt its forte. But well see. Hard to tell anythibg with graingers test. Im always skeptical when those teating arent completely transparent and thos flowers were a bad subject to test the camera with. The test says nothing to me.
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Senior Member
in fact I think he somehow sabotaged the test images. look how dark the images of the d750 are at 6400 compared to the D610. way under exposed. you cant see detail at all. all a person needs to do is put items in the picture youre shooting thats identifiable to people. like even shooting another camera, or even a big bottle of liquid laundry detergent. or even shooting a bottle of water or even a product that have different size fonts so you can see how clear it is with the grain, color shift , and chroma noise. flowers move, the focal spot changes, the leaves have texture and you cant tell if its grain or the leaf. and he only lets you download a file at 25600. none of the 3200 and 6400. this is not a kosher test. more and more I lose respect for the guy.


Senior Member
why all the tons of video posts lately?

New product and information. There is added information regarding the product in the various videos. You should see the video I posted in the "General DSLR Camera" forum regarding the new Canon 7D Mk II. That video makes me feel Nikon may have waiting on releasing a pro-body DX camera in order to trump the Canon release.