Weekly Challenge Jan. 29 - Feb 4 - Birds


Staff member
Super Mod
"Birds" - (Robin W)'s Choice

Birds - Wild, Domestic, stuffed, etc. Let's see how creative you can be! Color, B&W, HDR...anything goes!

This early announcement of the topic is to give a little think time, before the challenge begins. Photos must be taken and submitted between 00:00 UTC of the start date and 00:00 UTC of the end date.

The Rules

1. Photos must be captured with a Nikon and appear in the thread with EXIF info in order to be considered for the challenge. If the forum EXIF viewer does not show for any reason, listing the camera and capture date/time below the photo is acceptable. Listing exposure info, lens & focal length is encouraged so others can learn.

2. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread.

3. Only one photo entry per member for each week, unless otherwise noted.

4. All regularly active members of Nikonites are allowed to participate, including moderators and administrators.


During the submission & like periods, please click the Thanks/Like button to vote for your favorite images. You can vote for as many as you want! At the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to vote again for the top 3 photos for this challenge!

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Photo Challenges, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited or straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.

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Bob Blaylock

Senior Member
Unfortunately, my sweet little dove passed away in October, having been with my wife and me for almost seventeen years; so she won't be participating in this challenge. It looks like it will be a few months, at least, before I can obtain a successor to her.

Ken B

Senior Member
Shot with a D7100, and a Tamron 70-200mm, 2.8. 200mm, f4, 1/500th, ISO 100.

Shopping cart guardian.



Staff member
Super Mod
UPDATE: Since there are so many entries into this popular weekly challenge, I have decided to bow out and hopefully give someone else a chance. So the image is for show only. Thank you for the likes. :)

_DSC3603 crop low res.jpg
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Senior Member
I spent almost three hours this morning canvasing our local lakes and ponds looking for a bird. ANY bird. But a hard freeze overnight and light snow meant I didn't see any. None.

In disgust I finally gave up and drove home. As I pulled up to our driveway though, I spotted a hawk waaaaaaaay up in an oak tree on our property. All that time driving around, and there was a freakin' hawk not 50 feet from my front door! I got off a couple of shots, but he was too far for my 300mm to get a closeup. This was my favorite, leaping off his perch when he finally got tired of posing for me:

Hawk Taking Off resize (1 of 1).jpg


Senior Member
Ooops... I am watching you... This bread is mine!!!
New country, new neigbouhood, do not know where to find birds, and there it is...
Don't ask me it's "brand" I just know it is not a chicken... LOL