Dangerous Spouse Pics


Senior Member
Dangerspouse, looks like you had a great trip in Ocean City, Maryland. I realty liked the the Corvettes. Also, was that your wive being attacked by the seagulls?


Senior Member
Dangerspouse, looks like you had a great trip in Ocean City, Maryland. I realty liked the the Corvettes. Also, was that your wive being attacked by the seagulls?

Thanks Brent! We really did have a nice trip, although for my wife it was mostly work. I got to go out and play while she earned her keep ;)

Lol, and no, that was not her strewing french fries to the birds. It was some random young girl on the beach I spotted. She was having an absolute blast, and didn't leave til her entire bucket of fries was gone. Ah, to be that age again.... :sentimental:


Senior Member
This week's Challenge theme is "Radio", thoughtfully provided by Needa who suggested it in my absence while I was away on business.

Strangely enough this was a particularly difficult theme for me, even though I'm a professional radio announcer. I am still working from home, and my home studio hardly looks like a professional setup (although for all practical purposes is IS a professional setup, just very pared down). And as I live in a very rural area, there are no real radio station buildings I could easily photograph unless I traveled quite some distance. So I had to get a bit creative.

Everyone, please welcome the newest member of the WCAT Morning Zoo: DELL! (Not seen: Intern Wifey, holding Dell up from behind.)

Not sure which one to pick for my entry. The first picture has that pop of yellow I like, and Dell is looking at the screen. The second picture has the headphones in a better position though, and I turned my mic around - that's actually the back side of the microphone, but probably looks more like what people think they do. I'm leaning towards #1, but we'll see. Regardless, this was a fun shoot :)

I added a shot of my real work studio at the end, just for reference.

WCAT and Station Notes 2 (1 of 1).jpg


WCAT and Station Notes  (1 of 1).jpg


Rutherford Studio-Q.jpg


Senior Member
Yes no 1 for me also with the famous Dell :), however I do really like no 3 as it looks like a great work station.

That stupid cat gets better ratings than I do. I created a monster!

Yeah, I have to say my actual work studio is well equipped. Makes it easy to broadcast when you don't have to work around shortcomings. A far cry from the little radio station where I started my career, most of which was held together by duct tape and hope :)


Senior Member
Me and the boy trotted out to the yard today to take in the unusually warm weather. Grabbed the D5500 on the way out, and popped on the 40mm f/2.8 Micro in case any macro shots presented themselves for this weeks BW Macro challenge. Have I mentioned that 40mm is also my favorite street camera? I like it even more than my 35mm f/1.8. Anyway, here are a few shots from the afternoon. One will eventually go for the challenge.

Two Nails 1 (1 of 1).jpg


Dell Eye 1 (1 of 1).jpg


Dell Leg 1 (1 of 1).jpg


Dell Paw 1 (1 of 1).jpg


Dell Paw 2 (1 of 1).jpg


Dell Snout 1 (1 of 1).jpg