My gallery is ready to GOOOO


New member
I am so excited tonite. I am down to the wire one might say, with the first grand opening of my art gallery, the West Wall Art Project.
Supported by a local cafe, visitors will be able to dine and study the works of each artist/photographer, who will have their work up on the walls for two months.
I have arranged publicity for the artists. I also chairperson a selection committee of photographers and artists so that the selected artist for each two month tenure on the wall is only the best quality. I have designed the process so that we favor beginning artists and photographers with an opportunity to show the local community, their talented vision.

This is SO much more fullfilling for me. I still pick up my cameras and get out there, but given the fact that 99% of my work is just dribble... aka garbage, I feel such a wonderful sense of accomplishment in helping people, young AND older, who are starting out with a vision, passion, and drive that truly deserves to be recognised!!
