Exposure remaining window issue


New member
I just got home from the Air Show where I "thought" I took several hundred pictures of The Thunderbirds. I got home to download the photo's and I got NADA. A check of the camera shows the Exposures Remaining Window to be blank and i have no idea how it happened. Any idea would be greatly appreciated.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Any photos on the CF cards? Did you have a CF card installed?

06: NO CF Card?: Leave this to LOCK. if you turn it off it will let you take pictures with no card! You accidentally could shoot a whole day of photos and not realize you have no card. When set to ON it locks the camera if you have no card.


Senior Member
No idea what you are shooting (you need to fill out your profile), but it sounds like a bad memory card. Have you tried usaing a second and doing some test shots? You should get into the habit of doing a preview check now and then while shooting to make sure there aren't issues that lead to this sort of disappointment.