Very strange bug!!!

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Ok this is a crappy photo and doesn't look like much but it was moving and scurrying around. Its very small and I was unsure where to get focus on it. If I touch it it falls to the ground, if I move the leaf or breathe on it it freezes.

WHAT IS IT??? This is not a trick question as I have no idea. Also there is a thing above its head that it moves around like a lure of sorts. PS this is the underside of this leaf.



Senior Member
What you are seeing is the entire bug. There are a few of them and I am still to work out where the head is...

Hmmm . . . You guys have some very interesting creatures in Australia. You have more marsupials than any other continent. I often watch wildlife shows about Australia, and I'm amazed at how many poisonous snakes are there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Australia has the highest amount of species of poisonous snakes, when compared to any other place in the world.

But, this is probably some common creature that we all are aware of. On the other hand, it might be something rare.

Great post!


Senior Member
Thats a pretty weird looking .. little guy. Looks so messy. I wouldnt have thought it was alive, if you havent written it.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Thats a pretty weird looking .. little guy. Looks so messy. I wouldnt have thought it was alive, if you havent written it.
Yes unless I didn't see it moving I would not have thought it alive either. Might try and get a video of one moving.


Staff member
Super Mod
As a kid, when visiting my grandparents who lived in the country, there were numerous white cottony things attached to leaves. My grandmother said some type of bug (spyder, etc) laid their eggs which were encased in the white cottony stuff. The white stuff might be holding whatever was born inside it, and perhaps it is emerging from its egg.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
I just viewed my 25min time lapse and the thing has barely moved in that time, there is one movement which can be clearly seen but gee 1 movement in that time? Maybe I should increase it but I can't leave my camera out alone.