Ghost Crab


Senior Member
Today is my only day off this week, at least untl the weekend (which I only have every other one off) so I went to the beach this morning, camera in hand. I spotted this ghost crab, maybe 4" from leg tip to leg tip, entering its burrow. Ghost crabs are primarily terrestrial, though they do return to the sea twice a day to refill their "tanks" with salt water so they can breathe and maintain their body osmolarity. They usually feed while in the water as well, though they can catch and kill animals on land. They are also great scavengers, feeding on dead fish which wash up on the shore.

Anyway, I set up the D700 right on the sand with my 55mm f/2.8 AIS Micro, and attached my 6' remote release, set the exposure and kind of half way hid behind my camera bag. I waited for about 20 minutes or so and sure enough it re-emerged from its burrow. I only snapped one image before it scurried back into its hole, camera shy I a guessing. I was satisified with the image so I let it be and went on my merry way. It started raining so I went to my favorite hangout on the beach and ate hot wings and drank a pitcher of beer and watched the squalls offshore. Did I mention I absolutely love living here?
