DC Slide Jam


Senior Member
Full, big, album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.481374945265008.1073741840.434528646616305





Senior Member
Just a touch of feedback.
I think that the shutter speed is too low. I know you were trying to shoot it with motion showing, but when I look at the photos that are posted, there are too many area's out of focus or blurry. It might have been a DOF thing too. I think if you were to go up one to two stops on the shutter if would make the photos a lot sharper.
Love the subject matter though. I would love to shoot some sk8boarding and even BMX if I ever got the chance.


Senior Member
I was playing around with shutter to try and get that mid point of freezing the riders but not the surroundings. And went down to f/2.8 for minor background blur as well.

For some of these, especially with hands down slides, I feel that getting everything sharp and in focus would've made it seem a little static and potentially stationary. I read about shooting moving objects and either adding some blur to capture motion or freeze everything but at such a moment where it's impossible for the shot to be staged, like say this one from a jam I shot in December (with a crappy cam). Adding that aggressive angle was completely subconscious and rightfully so.





Admittedly I was in a better mood that day and well, I knew what the camera couldn't do so I had to over think almost every shot.