Need help weeding out pics in portfolio


Senior Member
hyo:foto - hyofoto's Photos

Would really appreciate your critical eye. There are 2 pages, 7 rows of 10 pictures and a couple extra. It's hard for me to toss pics due to emotional attachment.

Could you let me know which ones to REMOVE from my portfolio? I should only be showing my best work in my portfolio. Be harsh and don't hold back the punches :) I have a lot more pics on the way and my keeper rate has greatly increased since upgrading to full frame and starting to utilize off-camera flash.

For example, please comment: Remove #2, 5, 10 from Row 4 (first page). If you can give a quick comment about WHY, that'd be even more helpful!

To avoid confusion, I won't start deleting images for at least a few days.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
First thing I would do is get rid of duplicates.
Photo #2 and photo #36 appear to be the same shot. As is #3 and #37.
Photo #1 and #30 have way too much back light and wash out the entire shot.
Photo #53 is entirely too dark.


Senior Member
much thanks. I deleted the duplicates before anyone else looked at them. As for #53, you mean the night scene of people ordering food, right?

thanks again


Senior Member
It is now photo #50. It is a woman looking to the side. I believe she is sitting and that there are other people sitting at tables in the background


Senior Member
got it--and deleted. I'm going to keep #1 and #30 just for now--. Those were my first pics taken with my new camera and i got a lot of compliments on them.. OK, no more deletions for a few days. Thanks again!


Senior Member
Interesting comment about getting too emotionally attached to your pictures. Really? A bit of advice...don't. Learn to toughen up and pick the ones you like and lose the ones you don't. they're pictures, not pets. Seems like you want others to do the work for you. Sure makes it easier, doesn't it! So no.....pick your own shots to delete. After all, YOU took should be the one to delete the ones you don't like.


Senior Member
What better way than to ask the objective opinions of photography professionals and enthusiasts??? I have only been shooting a dslr for a couple years...I'm sorry I'm not so tough yet. I hear once you do a few weddings, you start to hate it...


Senior Member
I'll be transitioning to my website and most likely ditching smugmug. I've recently shot a bunch more shots that are in general better than the ones I had before.

Please check out my new site :) I tried to make it as simple and clean as possible.