Grey scale


Senior Member
Just wondering who uses grey scale cards to adjust white balance?
I don't hear much about these, I guess with RAW files now a days we don't really need em.
I think everyone should have one and not necessarily for white balance. Use it to meter on for perfect exposure. Just set the card where the subject is going to be and spot meter on it. Using manual exposure of course. If you do this correct then your exposure should be perfect. Well, at least a really good starting point.
When I owned a photo lab I would always shoot the grey card at the beginning of a roll of important film. Then process it and then I would set up a channel on my printer based on the grey card. I would get the most beautiful photos on those rolls. They were always perfect.


Senior Member
keep the highlight warning on,, and just make sure you are not clipping your photos and exceeding your sensor range.
My goal when shooting something important and I have the time for setup is to get the best shot as possible. Exposure, cropping should be close to perfect in the camera. I should have little work to do in post processing. Shoot in raw to handle the little details. Grey card should be good for the start and bracket.