Blue Colour Cast On All Manual Setting Pictures


Senior Member
Hi All, is there anyone out there who can help ? I have noitced a blue cast which appears to affect all of the pictures I take when I use my Nikon D90 in manual, I have used exactly the same settings in auto and I do not get a blue cast and therefore a warmer pitcure.
I have gone on to carry out a mini test and removed the daylight filter from the lens and taken t 3 sets of different pictures, 1 set in outside and 2 sets indoors. As far as I can see there is a blue cast on all of the pictures which have been taken on manual and there is not on the ones taken the "Auto" setting. Is this normal on a camera which is 6 months old. I have checked the white balance settings and all are at the factory default setting. I'm just not understanding what is taking place here ? I assumed the results would have been the same ????
Thanks for reading this




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When you use the camera in "auto", the white balance is automatically set by the camera. I suspect that when you go in manual, the white balance is "not" set to auto. Check your manual for white balance settings and how to change it.

I hope this helps.

Welcome to Nikonites, the D90 is a wonderful very capable camera. There is a learning curve involved in producing superb photographs.


Senior Member
I believe Marcel is right - when in Auto the camera will override the White Balance setting the camera is in. If you go into the shooting menus I suspect that it is set to something other than Auto White Balance. If you're not comfortable with setting this manually on your own then put it in Auto and at least the camera will be consistent.


Senior Member
From what I remember, the Tungsten setting in manual WB gives the worst blue cast. I use Auto WB all the time whether in AF or MF, as it can be changed in your RAW editor. Well it can in mine ! I use ACR 6.3