Lightroom 3.2 Facebook Publish


^ broke something
Staff member
Does anyone else find the new Facebook publish feature cumbersome? Each time you want to export to a new album you must "create another publish service". So potentially you would have a whole list of Facebook publish services for every album.

I do like that it can track changes and automatically delete and re-upload an image however.


New member
ME! Gosh.. I thought I was doing something wrong... took me forever to realize I had to re-create the darn thing just to choose a new album!
I just used the republish feature last night for the first time... that was all good except I'm sure friends are sick of seeing my photos constantly coming across!


Senior Member
That is an annoying 'feature'. I believe the SmugMug plugin is the same way.

I think it's still easier than the old way of using the facebook java uploader, though.


New member
Actually the smugmug feature is great. After you initialize it ... the settings stay and all my albums are there each time for me to drag and drop where I want. I used Google's Picasa for years as a database mostly and because of a smugmug button... I could edit a photo anywhere else and Picasa would pick up the changes within it and then I could export to smugmug... I don't think Lightroom recognizes changes from the folder on the hard drive until you import them though. Still the drag and drop is easy and quick.
I wish the FB feature could be so easy.
I guess I'm very thankful I have Aperture 3.

I select some pics from whatever project I'm working on, click "publish", it creates a new album on FB based on my project name, sizes and sets up the photos, and uploads them to my account.
Choose the photos, single click, and go view them on FB. If I want to add to the album, I simply drag and drop the image into the album on the menu, it automatically syncs with FB.