War Birds: B17 Flying Fortress; B24 Liberator; and a P51 Mustang


Senior Member
I went to the Boca Raton Airport on a good tip from Marilynne. It was pretty interesting watching these planes fly in and land. There were a lot of old-timers there. One man I talked to was 94. They were either pilots or members of the flight crews on these types of planes during World War II. It was an honor to talk with them, and a lot fun taking photos.

You don't get to see this sight very often.

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Staff member
Super Mod
Great shots Ted. Since we're still recovering from our colds, it was to windy and nippy for us to ride our bikes over (never even thought of going by car). We'll get there some time this weekend though. Witchcraft was there last year also. Actually, looks like all of the same planes. I should have mentioned to walk north of the war birds, there used to be a Russian trainer plane over with the private planes.


Senior Member
Wonderful photos, Ted. I've those old planes. I can't see one without the accompanying scent memory of Testors Modeling Glue. LOL

I was driving down I-4 south of Orlando a few years back, on my way from the in-laws to my parents, when a B-17 flew overhead, followed by a squadron of P-51's. There was an airshow at the Fantasy of Flight museum that I wish I'd known about. I've yet to make time to visit there when I've been in FL, but one of these days.


Senior Member
Thanks, Marilynne. I should try and catch the McGuire show this year - though the one they have listed on this site is 2012 and I can't seem to find 2013.


Staff member
Super Mod
I went to the Boca Raton Airport on a good tip from Marilynne. It was pretty interesting watching these planes fly in and land. There were a lot of old-timers there. One man I talked to was 94. They were either pilots or members of the flight crews on these types of planes during World War II. It was an honor to talk with them, and a lot fun taking photos.

You don't get to see this sight very often.

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Just missed this flying over my house this morning. The first time I wasn't dressed, by the time I got my jacket and the camera out of the case it was gone. The second time I had one shoe on and one off. It was gone when I ran out!!


Senior Member
I believe there is an historical angle to this thread. The more I kept thinking about it, I realized there may be a lot of people who will never see one of these planes in-person. I really enjoy seeing photos that people post from places I'll never go, or things I'll never see. So, I'll finish posting some more of the War Birds. If you get bored, I apologize, but if one person enjoys them, it was worthwhile.

Here is a link to info about the real Witchcraft WITCHCRAFT / 467th BG B-24 and someone's photo essay about the plane B-24J Pictorial, July 4th, 2005

I'm posting in the order I took the photos.

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