lucien's random photo's


Senior Member
Hi, it's been about 6 yrs since I was last on here regularly. I'd like to start posting again. So I'm just introducing myself again
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Staff member
Super Mod
thanks alot, I have a quick question. How do I post the images larger? or is that an ok size

I sent you a PM on how to do it - edit your post. Within the edit box, you will see your image. Double click it. That will open up a new Dialogue Box with options on sizing. The second line is set to 'Thumbnail' as a default. Either try Large or Full Size. You can always go back in and change it if you wish.

We get a number of Red-Winged Blackbirds here during the warmer months. I really like them although their chirp is quite different. During the winter months, I miss hearing them.


Staff member
Super Mod
Welcome back!

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


Senior Member
Not at all, but a few years ago I caught the monochrome bug. It forces you to compose better, look for contrasts. Having an evf helps because it's what your picture will end up looking like. I consider it a new challenge. The majority of my stuff will be. Later down the road, I'll introduce colour stuff. Fair :)