Digging ? Me ? No - No No No ......! (The Chronicles of Honey)


Senior Member
Dad ! What do you mean digging ? I don't know anything about any digging !
I've never even been near to the flowerbeds and I certainly never-ever-ever would try to get to the bottom of the compost heap.

Has it been raining today ? I dont know, I've not been out. I've sat here quietly all afternoon while you were on your lap toppy thing.

What paw prints ?

Good grief, is it that time already - whats for dinner ?

Cute story BUT photographically it has a couple of problems.
1. The gate is in the way.
2. You are looking down on the dog. Pets and children look better when you get down on their level.


Senior Member
Whoops, my bad. I didnt even pay attention to this being in the Feed back forum. What Don said above is true and should be considered.

I still like the story and picture, but wish the gate was gone. As far as looking down, it may have been hard to capture the muddy footprints in the same shot.


Senior Member
My immediate reaction was the same as the others. You talk about digging but the dog's paws are hidden behind what I suppose is a gate. It's also extremely difficult to convey a sense of dropping it's head in shame when it is looking upwards. The idea was good but needs a bit more work on execution. Try to see it as a child, or, better still, as yourself when you were a child and imagine how you would have reacted in the situation. If you can't get the animal to react as you would like then create a new scenario which fits in with the photos you have. Cats and dogs can be incredible fun to photograph so don't give up. :)


Snow White
Dad ! What do you mean digging ? I don't know anything about any digging !
I've never even been near to the flowerbeds and I certainly never-ever-ever would try to get to the bottom of the compost heap.

Has it been raining today ? I dont know, I've not been out. I've sat here quietly all afternoon while you were on your lap toppy thing.

What paw prints ?

Good grief, is it that time already - whats for dinner ?

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​LOL . . . I am SO enjoying these posts! Not only are captures excellent, but you are very gifted in your writing. I suggest your own thread entitled "Chronicles of Honey" so that we can easily enjoy these! Love it!!

Michael J.

Senior Member
I read it to my daughter she was so laughing and told me maybe it is a child like she and laughed more after she said that.


Senior Member
I'm so glad I posted in the feedback forum and not the Critique. All very valid points, but I'm afraid you're all absolutely wrong. To the uninitiated, inexperienced commentator this may look like a rushed and ill-framed snapshot of my naughty puppy, similar to many other inferior efforts.

Not so my friends, not so !

This is a carefully framed and symbolic composition.

The gate is an allegory symbolising the injustice of the world. Honey is seperated from her family by a partition erected by the over-zealous ruling party.

There is no "hanging her head in shame" - She is brazenly denying any wrong-doing through ignoring the blindingly obvious - a metaphor for the political will of the US and European Union.

Her feet, hidden beyond view by the intractable divide, is symbolic of the struggle of the downtrodden to plod on - regardless of the tyranny of the proletariat.

This is not a snapshot, taken at haste, this is a study of the human condition framed in the dignity of the canine.

Never, in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few ..... blah blah blah .....

See ?

Lol - thanks !!